“Sono stufo di Congresso. Mi associo alla BJP, Narendra Modi. IO concorso elezione da Bharuch il BJP ticket. VOGLIO essere BJP Membro del Parlamento europeo. MI hanno sempre aiutato BJP potenza nel Centro. Congresso non ha futuro in Gujarat e in altre parti del paese. Modi sarà in potenza… Ciao. hasta manera finché non riusciamo a soddisfare nuovamente e diventare associatedI” : Got it? Nope…Ask Ahmed Patel, he’ll tell U what’s it. Because he’s said this to fully dazed, wonderstruck, flabbergasted (because of his gratuitous fluency in Italian, he attained this in last decades ever since he was a non-MP disparagingly defeated from his “jagir” Bharuch in ’89) Mademoiselle Sonia Gandhi only few days back.
After (cat’s now out of the bag straight from the Mexican horse’s {or is it mare’s} mouth in 10 Janpath) Sonia Gandhi heard it amazed, she took it to her stride. She has the info from long back that Ahmed was fully ingrained in Modi-circle (not the charmed circle though) , advising Modi against the ins-n-outs of the Congress. She only did not have the timing of when Ahmed Patel would call it quits in the Congress and officially shake hands with BJP his not erelong bete noire.
Says infuriated Congress MLA from Gujarat RajGuru Indranil Sanjaybhai: “Ahmed Patel since 1989 had been galavanting with the pro-Hindu ultras including the BJP. Congress leadership then had not assessed it. Had it done so then spontaneously, it would have naturally chucked him out of the Congress then itself. It would not have waited for him to call it quits today by calling shots remaining upperhand.”
Adds Gujarat’s Congress MLA Kaminiba Rathod : “ Its most astounding that Congress President has been taking political advices, political lessons, political guidances, political chess-playing, political moves, political inspirations, political inculcations, even, political strategies from Ahmed Patel, as her political advisor. How could she? Didn’t she understand long back that Ahmed Patel would nullify Congress. After all, since generationshe has been nursing grouses against her family starting from Pandit JawaharLal Nehru onto Indira Gandhi etc. He has been systematically organizing scope for BJP to stomp in all over the country by advising everything wrongly to Madam.”
Congress MLA Ashwin Kotwal laments: “If only jackal-like camouflage of Ahmed Patel had been recognized by Honourable Madam before, Congress would not be in such dire strait today when all and sundry are accusing it of being futile, redundant.”
Congress’ Prima Donna Madame Sonia G (G for both jee and Gandhi), true to her characteristic patience, perseverance, pivotal observation has chosen to ignore Ahmed Patel. She is said to be fully aware that he may try as much as he can, he does not have long rope of any kind. His credulousness is non-existent in Gujarat. He does not have any public-base, a sort of fluke he is in Gujarat, that’s how Gujaratis see him as. Most importantly, he is not at all a talking point in Gujarat. Gujaratis have so many other issues to discuss : Narendra Modi, AmitBhai Shah, AnandiBen Patel etc. Gujarat’s China, Japan, USA like developments at the shortest possible time, Garwa, Chivda, Kem Cho, Keedhar…First of all, Gujaratis don’t have time at all for scuttlebutt unlike in other parts of the country. They are always working. They hardly have free time. When they have it, they do not know who Ahmed Patel is. They are only interested in Oonnatee, development, non-interfering administration, no bugging, no advices, no emulations whoever be its Boss. Of course, they are immensely liking AnandiBen Patel’s Administration exactly like the way they liked Narendra Bhai’s Parshasan (It is still talked about immensely in streets of Gujarat).
Under the circumstances, how does it matter if Ahmed Patel leaves Congress and joins BJP, amusingly and emphatically ask in chorus Congress MLAs Ashwin Kotwal, Ravan GobhaBhai, PrahladBhai IshwarBhai Patel, Chowdhry AmitBhai HariSinhBhai, Tejeshree Patel.
Other Congress MLAs along with the Gujarat Congress insiders clearly say that Congress in Gujarat and elsewhere in the country will be consolidated, far better off without Ahmed Patel and surely, not as Political Advisor to Congress President Sonia GandhiJee. Its just about more than enough time she gave her marching orders from the Congress and told him to fend for himself as he liked, she couldn’t care less even a bit.
As for Ahmed Patel, he thinks (rather, fully convinced) he will be of great help to Modi and BJP in Gujarat and in the rest of the country and so it is time for him to quits from the Congress, Sonia Gandhi. He doesn’t realize he’s an utter failure as (Political, All Purpose) Advisor to the Congress President and that the BJP is in no way like it.
Per Ahmed Patel per decidere il suo destino. Ma in realtà è bene che la sua vera personalità è venuto fuori. Che è fuori e fuori anti Congresso. QED