Now that fast reaching-at-popularity-crescendo BJP


Now that fast reaching-at-popularity-crescendo BJP (thanks to enervating, enthraller, enduring, enterprising, enduring, efficacious, energetic, enchanter, egalitarian, eloquent, non-emulator BJP National President Amit Shah ably patronized by Prime Minister NarendraBhai DamodarDas Modi) assuredly, convincingly has succeeded in unfurling the BJP Saffron in J&Kashmir (Leh, Ladakh included), it thus has convincingly established itself as “The Rashtriya Party”, in the real sense of the term, thereby it has made it crystal clear without any iota of doubt : From now on, from the Himalayas (very soon, from Tibet itself!) to KanyaKumari, only BJP will be The Political Party for all-level, fully effective Governance all through. Guide (NarendraBhai DamodarDas) Modi-Architect Amit Shah-Master Strategist cum Perpetrator-on-Field Ram Madhav (almost invisible in the open but immensely effective cum fully successful in results because of his crystal clear concepts along with fullest will/ability in implementing them in toto to achieve desired result/s) have been resoundingly successful in realizing “Chalo Chaley Modi Ke Sangh” in Kashmir. That the BJP — always projected as a strict no-no in Kashmir — is a factor today in Government formation in Kashmir (along with Jammu and rest of the state) is self-evident of the glaring fact that from now on, Famly, Individual fiefdom is over in Kashmir. Its open field for all and sundry. Whoever will deliver/s goods to Kashmir along with Jammu, Ladakh, Leh in the true/correct spirit of true Indians will be voted by the people of Kashmir without any ado of any kind. Sher-e-Kashmir, Sadr-e-Riyasat, Kashmiriyat etc, all state’s progress-hampering descriptions, are now passé when it will come to development/s of the state. At the same time, of course, they will remain respectful as now and always. It is true that they are heritage of Kashmir. But that heritage shouldn’t hamper progress of Kashmir+Jammu+Ladakh+areas-between-Jammu-n-Kashmir. If progress is hampered — as now — Kashmir will be centuries backward today. India can not afford that any way. Thus, Kashmir henceforth will see rapid progress per se as anywhere else in the country. Entire Kashmir including its labyrinthine ins and outs will be immediately upgraded like elsewhere in the country so that the Indians of Kashmir proudly declare themselves to be integral part-n-parcel of India, its developments, its progress, its concerns, its prevailing/would-be/could-be issues…Viva Kashmir in India.


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