The moment India and US will ink 10-year pact on Defence Framework during US President Barack Obama’s ensuing January 26 visit to New Delhi, without impinging on India’s ‘strategic autonomy’, the expansive framework will (long overdue for India’s sure-to-be Ist World Status) outline the series of steps to bolster the bilateral defence partnership, ranging from stepping up the scope and intensity of joint military exercises to advancing shared security interests for regional and global security. Long overdue indeed (for India, surely), collaboration (for obvious reasons) in intelligence sharing, maritime security and the drive against terrorism and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction will also become reality. A significant addition will be incorporation of the Defence Trade and Technology Initiative to augment the ones existing under the overall mechanism of the Defence Policy Group which chalks out the path for future defence cooperation. For India’s benevolence (albeit with the clearance from Narendra Modi Government), US’ offer/s of hard selling score of “transformative defense technologies” for co-development and co-production with India under the DTTI (Defence Trade and Technology Initiative) which range from the next generation of Javelin Anti-Tank Guided Missiles and MH-60 Romeo Multi-Role Helicopters to long endurance UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) and 127 mm WarShip Guns. …There will be more. India will be Right on Top in Security Aspects. At the same time, India will not join US-led BMD (British Military Doctrine) and PSI (Proliferation Security Initiative) nor ink bilateral foundational military agreements like LSA (Light Sport Aircraft), CISMOA (Communication Interoperability and Security Memorandum of Agreement) , BECA (Cooperation Agreement for Geo-Spatial Cooperation) thereby keeping India’s “Independence” fully intact, Thanks to all-the-time-India-concerned Prime Minister NarendraBhai DamodarDas Modi