University of Delhi students demand for “Shaheed” status for Bhagat Singh and Jawans of Para-military forces.
“Mission – E-Shaheed”
By : Harsh Mendiretta
“Mere jajbaaton se iss kadar vakif hai kalam meri, Main ishq bhi likhna chahoon to inqlaab likh jaata hai” – Bhagat Singh .He was revered by the youth, he dreamt of freeing his motherland from the clutches of the British rule. And at the young age of 23, Bhagat Singh laid down his life for his countrymen, setting an example of putting one’s self before one’s nation. Several decades have passed since then. The martyr’s name has once again made headlines.
University of Delhi shaheed bhagat singh college students voiced concern over official records not showing Bhagat Singh and jawans of para-military forces as a martyr, prompting the government to promise remedial steps at the earliest. The students of Shaheed bhagat singh college have launched a movement named “Mission-E-Shaheed” which demands the status of “Shaheed” for freedom fighter Bhagat Singh and jawans of Para-military forces. MISSION-E SHAHEED is an initiative for supreme honour. India got its independence by great sons and daughter who without any greed gave their complete self for the sake of motherland. The movement “Mission-E-Shaheed” is led by the convenor Mr. Rajniti Sagar ,he is the Vice President of Department of Political Science, Shaheed bhagat singh college .The team members comprises of Himadrish Suwan ,he is a Columnist and the youngest recipient of the International Association of Educators for World Peace (affiliated to United Nations ECOSOC,UNICEF, DPI) Global Award for Media & Information Activism 2014) , Rishabh Chopra ,Diksha, Mayank, Piyush .
The students have called on for a protest at Jantar Mantar in the month of February to demand the status of “Shaheed” for freedom fighter Bhagat Singh and jawans of Para-military forces. In view of the row over Bhagat Singh’s martyrdom, the convenor of Mission-E-Shaheed said “the government should bring in a law to grant martyrdom to freedom fighters. He said it is very unfortunate that the Home Ministry in its reply to an RTI application admitted to having no records of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev being declared martyrs.” The Home Ministry in its reply to an RTI application said that it has no record to show whether Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev were declared martyrs or not.
Even after thousand of sacrifices in the last years ,the honour of being called a “Martyr” still eludes the jawans and officers of paramilitary and police forces in the country. The students in their second demand have raised issue of grant of status of “Shaheed” for the jawans and officers of paramilitary and police forces in the country.