By Soumitra Bose/Mukesh Kumar Sinha JIP RESEARCH
“Γεια σας . Είμαι Typhoeus. Εγώ θα σας διδάξει πώς να κάνουν έρωτα, τον τρόπο με τον οποίο μπορείτε να βγάλετε καλύτερη απόλαυση, χρησιμοποιήστε ομορφιά στην πληρέστερη και απολαμβάνουν αιώνια νεότητα. Για να είναι βιρτουόζος σε όλα αυτά να παραμείνουν αγελαίο ένστικτο όλων το χρόνο, να με μένα. Λατρεία μου. Που δεν βάζουν εύκολα βαθιά μου. Follow me. Υποδυθεί μου. Αντιγραφή μου. U δεσμεύονται να επιτύχουν την επιθυμητή, για να την πληρέστερη. Θα εκπληρώσει Ur αγάπη, επιθυμίες, θέλει, η πείνα,φιλοδοξίες, προτρέπει, φαντασία, χειρονομίες, θέλει,και τι (επιθυμία) έχετε εκπληρώσει.”
(“Hi You All. I am Typhoeus. I will teach You how to make love, how to extract best of pleasure, use beauty to the fullest, and, enjoy eternal youth. To be virtuoso in all these to remain gregarious all the time, be with me. Worship me. Adore me. Follow me. Emulate me. Copy me. U are bound to succeed with Your desired ones to the fullest. They will fulfil Ur love, desires, wants, hunger,aspirations, urges, imaginations, gestures, wants,and, what (desire) have You to fulfil. As Typhoeus, You will surely love me, I am fully assured. Come to Me. Come to My Open Arms. Embrace Me. Hold Me Tight.”)
Long awaited, albeit extremely keenly, Its finally happening now in this vast, mammoth country. It should have happened long many years ago. Country-men should’ve adored, appreciated women. (That did not happen. It is not happening even now.) Had that been so, today, there would not be any case of teasing them (leave aside other inhuman atrocities on them) to say the least. Country’s leaders never ever taught the country’s bullish men (of all ages from infancy) to be on par with women. Neither they should treat them inferior nor superior. If that would be, today, women in this country would not face any adversary/ adverse welcome/negative behavior of any kind.
Nevertheless, now, Aphrodite is here to reform Men in this country. From Aphrodite, all women of all ages, invoke training to “tame” men of all hues. Incidentally, Aphrodite today personified after innumerable centuries.
Olympian Goddess Aphrodite is/was the most attractive goddess of Mount Olympus. She was the Greek Goddess of Love, Beauty and Eternal Youth, arousing desire to gods and humans as well as birds and beasts. In addition, she was connected to the death/rebirth of nature and human beings.
The Role of Aphrodite as a Goddess :Aphrodite was the most attractive goddess of Mount Olympus. She was the goddess of Love, Beauty and Eternal Youth, arousing desire to gods and humans as well as birds and beasts. In addition, she was connected to the death/rebirth of nature and human beings.
Personality of Aphrodite :
Aphrodite may have been the most attractive goddess, but according to the Iliad(the famous poem by Homer), she was a rather weak, frightful goddess.
Appearance of Aphrodite :
Aphrodite was a highly attractive young woman who dressed elegantly and loved to wear jewellery. Her eyelashes were curled and she had a constant smile on her lovely face. Aphrodite had a tender neck and symbolized the feminine beauty.
Symbols of Aphrodite :
Aphrodite’s symbols were the girdle (which she was using to compel love), the seashell and the mirror. Her sacred animal was the dove.
APHRODITE & THE GIANT TYPHOEUS :Aphrodite was identified with the Syrian goddess Ashtarte. The Greeks invented the story of her flight to Egypt to explain why the goddess was worshipped in the form of a fish or why this fish was sacred to her in the country.
Pseudo-Hyginus, Astronomica 2. 30 (trans. Grant) (Roman mythographer C2nd A.D.) :
“Fishes [constellation Pisces] . . . Diognetus Erythraeus says that once Venus [Aphrodite] and her son Cupid [Eros] came in Syria to the river Euphrates [when Typhon attacked Olympos]. There Typhon, of whom we have already spoken, suddenly appeared. Venus and her son threw themselves into the river and there changed their forms to fishes, and by so doing this escaped danger. So afterwards the Syrians, who are adjacent to these regions, stopped eating fish, fearing to catch them lest with like reason they seem either to oppose the protection of the gods, or to entrap the gods themselves.”
Ovid, Metamorphoses 5. 319 ff (trans. Melville) (Roman epic C1st B.C. to C1st A.D.) :
“Typhoeus, issuing from earth’s lowest depths, struck terror in those heavenly hearts, and they all turned their backs and fled, until they found refuge in Aegyptus and the seven-mouthed Nilus . . . Typhoeus Terrigena (Earthborn) even there pursued them and the gods concealed themselves in spurious shapes . . . Venus [Aphrodite] became a fish.”
Ovid, Fasti 2. 458 ff : (trans.Boyle) (Roman poetry C1st B.C. to C1st A.D.) :
“Piscis, heaven’s horses. They say that you and your brother (for your stars gleam together) ferried two gods on your backs. Once Dione [Aphrodite], in flight from terrible Typhon (when Jupiter [Zeus] armed in heaven’s defence), reached the Euphrates with tiny Cupidos [Eros] in tow and sat by the hem of Palestine’s stream. Poplars and reeds dominated the tops of the banks; willows, too, offered hope of concealment. While she hid, the wood roared with wind. She pales with fear, and believes a hostile band approaches. As she clutched son to breast, she cries: ‘To the rescue, Nymphae, and bring help to two divinities.’ No delay; she leapt. Twin fish went underneath them; for which, you see, the present stars are named. Hence timid Syrians think it wrong to serve up this species; they defile no mouths with fish.”
APHRODITE & THE CREATION OF PANDORA :Aphrodite bestowed her gifts on Pandora the first woman, commissioned by Zeus to punish mankind for Prometheus’ theft of fire.
Hesiod, Works and Days 60 ff (trans. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C8th or 7th B.C.) :
“He [Zeus] bade famous Hephaistos make haste and mix earth with water and to put in it the voice and strength of human kind, and fashion a sweet, lovely maiden-shape, like to the immortal goddesses in face; and Athene to teach her needlework and the weaving of the varied web; and golden Aphrodite to shed grace upon her head and cruel longing and cares that weary the limbs. And he charged Hermes the Guide, Argeiphontes, to put in her a shameless mind and a deceitful nature. So he ordered. And they obeyed the lord Zeus Kronion . . . [and after her creation they] named this woman Pandora (All-Gifts), because all they who dwelt on Olympus gave each a gift, a plague to men who eat bread.”
APHRODITE & THE GIANT TYPHOEUS :Aphrodite was identified with the Syrian goddess Ashtarte. The Greeks invented the story of her flight to Egypt to explain why the goddess was worshipped in the form of a fish or why this fish was sacred to her in the country.
Pseudo-Hyginus, Astronomica 2. 30 (trans. Grant) (Roman mythographer C2nd A.D.) :
“Fishes [constellation Pisces] . . . Diognetus Erythraeus says that once Venus [Aphrodite] and her son Cupid [Eros] came in Syria to the river Euphrates [when Typhon attacked Olympos]. There Typhon, of whom we have already spoken, suddenly appeared. Venus and her son threw themselves into the river and there changed their forms to fishes, and by so doing this escaped danger. So afterwards the Syrians, who are adjacent to these regions, stopped eating fish, fearing to catch them lest with like reason they seem either to oppose the protection of the gods, or to entrap the gods themselves.”
Ovid, Metamorphoses 5. 319 ff (trans. Melville) (Roman epic C1st B.C. to C1st A.D.) :
“Typhoeus, issuing from earth’s lowest depths, struck terror in those heavenly hearts, and they all turned their backs and fled, until they found refuge in Aegyptus and the seven-mouthed Nilus . . . Typhoeus Terrigena (Earthborn) even there pursued them and the gods concealed themselves in spurious shapes . . . Venus [Aphrodite] became a fish.”
Ovid, Fasti 2. 458 ff (trans.Boyle) (Roman poetry C1st B.C. to C1st A.D.) :
“Piscis, heaven’s horses. They say that you and your brother (for your stars gleam together) ferried two gods on your backs. Once Dione [Aphrodite], in flight from terrible Typhon (when Jupiter [Zeus] armed in heaven’s defence), reached the Euphrates with tiny Cupidos [Eros] in tow and sat by the hem of Palestine’s stream. Poplars and reeds dominated the tops of the banks; willows, too, offered hope of concealment. While she hid, the wood roared with wind. She pales with fear, and believes a hostile band approaches. As she clutched son to breast, she cries: ‘To the rescue, Nymphae, and bring help to two divinities.’ No delay; she leapt. Twin fish went underneath them; for which, you see, the present stars are named. Hence timid Syrians think it wrong to serve up this species; they defile no mouths with fish.”
BOTTOM LINE : Women with the active help from, assistance of, patronage of, cooperation from Aphrodite from now on will redoubtedly be absolutely confident, enthusiastically enterprising, willfully buoyant, spontaneously participating. For men, it will be permanent phase of stop being Monster, Goliath, Dracula, Frankestein, Ghost-Who-Walks.