By: Kiran Bedi
Fateh is a compilation of real life accounts of young people who triumphed through the adversities thrown upon them by their fate. It presents to you the stories of those children whose parents were not around them in their growing years, because they were in prison.
These children, who knew nothing more about the world than their own nests, were swept off to face a world where every face was unfamiliar, everything new. Wiping off their tears, these children kept their spirits alive and fought the darkness.
The Children of Vulnerable Families Project (CVF) came into existence in 1995 as launched by India Vision Foundation chairpersoned by Mrs Kiran Bedi. The project made admission of the children at its various partner residential schools due to the incarceration of their parents and vulnerable family situations. It continues to support these children even after the release of their parents as most of them are unable to bear their education due to various reasons.
The first batch of these students promoted by IVF, shares their accounts here in their own handwritings, as a memoir from their diaries. These memoirs now constitute a powerful collection- ‘Fateh’.
All of these children learned very early in their lives that education is the key to better prospects and that they needed to take up their responsibility. Pushpa is currently pursuing her dreams to study finance. Having faced challenges at every step of her life, she fears no obstacles now. Rahul works with a top notch MNC, and has trespassed all those fences of bullying, marginalization and poverty. Balwinder has overpowered his anxiety and anger and is ready to forgive his father for his sins. Myna doesn’t want pity; she wants to set an example for all those children without family.
Fateh presents true accounts of the bravehearts who made their way against the odd of circumstances. The stories have been translated, besides the originals, for the convenience of readers. The narration is one of the first of its kind and appears fresh due to its authenticity. The book celebrates the two decades of the Herculean effort of India Vision Foundation.