Li’l over 1 year’s over since Hon’ble (surely, justifiably so) Narendra Modi took over as Prime Minister. At the time of writing this, He’s truly, indeed made us proud as Indians, Soodreer (firm)+Sashakt (empowered)+Swabalambee (self-dependent/independent/non-aligned) Bharatiya (enabling/making us show thumbs to all, You-know-who). Bharatiyata now has become a proud, individual, “non-aligned” (b’lls to non-aligned nations+their NAM ruthlessly slicking up the imperialism-practising nations led by You-know-who) entity for all countrymen of all hues without consideration/s of any Commies+Socilists+Leftists tom-tomed fictitious social classifications in the society in the garb of egalitarian society enriched with Samata (equality). Modi’s actually brought all countrymen in same scale : All Indians are Same. All Indians Should Rightaway be of Equal Status, Be Integral Part-n-Parcel of Indis’s Present Ongoing All-Level, All-Round Development done by Modi. Modi does not want to appease any countrymen under the garb of any excuse/reason/consideration. When the whole world is patronizing Yoga why heed to a handful of people of India objecting to it saying it is against their religion. Interestingly, that too, at a time when it has been evinced that majority of their way of doing ‘puja’ etc are Yoga itself. Modi justifiably has not heeded to such “BullCrap” logics because they do not stick. They are neither religious. They, if all, only tantamount to anti-India which today is totally disliked by all in the whole world barring may be a few obscure ones. This is the reason why Modi today is a ‘hit’ in the whole world as he is showing the whole world how its denizens live healthily, happily, gladly, spontaneously, actively, smartly especially via Yoga. (See Cover Story). Modi’s Constructive zealousness (not over though ; if he wishes, he can overdo it but he is not that type ; he is fully aware that show and steady will make him win the global status; along with that, India will be Right-on-Top) is now talk of whole world. …Modi himself is a Yoga practitioner. He is determined to see all people in the whole world are healthy via Yoga, creation of India that is Bharat. It thus is only natural that all people of Bharat Varsh(a) should partake of in Yoga…If that takes place finally, it will be stupendous. Will it be? And if it does happen that way, by the way, it is as much credit of the countrymen as that of Modi’s and others’. may be from that day onward, all Indians will be healthy : Physically, mentally, Physiologically, Biologically, psychologically, regulationwise, routinewise, rulewise, lifestylewise…
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