Honeymoon days over, Sangh says to BJP PERFECT CO-ORDINATION PERSONIFIED



Govt moving in right direction, we are not reviewing it: RSS

 After a three-day “coordination” meeting with the top brass of the government and the BJP, the RSS today said the Modi government was moving in the right direction with commitment and dedication and rejected criticism that it was acting like a “remote control”.

The Sangh Parivar’s founthead said it was not reviewing the womens down jackets government’s performance but was only giving “inputs” to ministers, who are swayamsevaks, and it has a right to do so.

“Only 14 months have passed. There is more time and a lot more is to be done. Whatever has been done so far, the direction is right; dedication, commitment and achievements are good. We have to move forward. There cannot be 100 per cent satisfaction for everyone,” RSS joint general secretary Dattatreya Hosabale told a press conference.

“We are not reviewing nor are we giving any message to the government. We are only sharing inputs,” he said.

The three-day “coordination” exercise brought the RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat and top Sangh leaders face-to-face with the top brass of the government and the BJP, including senior Ministers. Prime Minister Narendra Modi participated towards the end of the dialogue.

Replying to questions about criticism that RSS was giving directions to the government and ministers were violating the oath of secrecy by reporting to the RSS, he said, “We are not an illegal organisation. We are also citizens of the country.

“We have every right to ask ministers, who are also swayamsevaks. Where is the question of secrecy. Swayamsevaks have become ministers.”

Asked about Congress criticism that the RSS was acting like a remote control, he shot back saying “what the Congress says we need not reply. They were run on remote control. So, they have no moral right to talk about us.”

Justifying the interaction with the government representatives, he said, the media does not make any issue when ministers go to CII or FICCI or other events.

To a question, Hosabale said the RSS would wait for construction of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya as per government’s time-table as the issue was pending before the Supreme Court.

On the Ram Temple, Hosabale said whatever the BJP has stated in its manifesto, it will move towards it and there is time for it and the party has set its time table. Sants and Hindu society keep giving directions in this regard, but Sangh does not raise any demand, he said.

“We are hopeful that it will happen. We will wait for their implementation according to their timetable,” he said.

The RSS leader endorsed the government’s working saying “it has raised the aspirations, also the hopes and the confidence in the government.”

He said, “For the first time in the history of the country, this government has raised the expectations as also the confidence it has created not only in India but also outside. That is the most welcome thing that is the assurance that this government has definitely given.”

Replying to questions, he said the meeting did not lay any policies because this was not a policy-making body.

Policies of RSS are decided by All-India Pratinidhi Sabha, he said.

To a question on recent release of census figures based on religion, he said, “We have prepared a report and it will be discussed at the RSS meeting”.

On overall deliberations at the three-day meet, the RSS leader said internal and external security situations, terrorism including cross-border terror, extremism and Naxalism. Suggestions were given on steps to be taken in this regard.

The deliberations also covered India’s ties with its neighbours and the need to strengthen them further as India was part of the SAARC.

He said Pakistan and Bangladesh were earlier part of India and there was need to improve relations as they were part of the family and had cultural ties with each other that were linked with history. We should improve relations forgetting irritants, he said.

Asked if ties can be improved in the wake of provocations by Pakistan, Hosabale said all this needs to be done for peace and cited the example of Kauravas and Pandavas who were brothers who also had to talk.

Explaining the nature of the interaction, Hosabale said swayamsevaks who are active in various walks of life had come to share their thoughts and give inputs to ensure improved coordination with the government.

He said the meet discussed about need for policies to ensure social security and right to live with dignity of weaker sections of the nation.

Concerns were also raised over commercialisation of education and it was felt that it should be stopped.

“Education must be geographically accessible, financially affordable and socially inclusive,” he said.

Hosabale said education needs to be Indianised and there was need to inculcate it along with modern education, besides evolving character-building education.

Delegates shared their ideas on what should be the economic model so that rural life can be improved as people were leaving villages to settle in urban areas for earning money through better employment, education and medical facilities.

Western models of development have failed and they are themselves looking for new models, he said. The country’s economy should be based on Indian thinking, identity and conduct.

On the ‘one rank, one pension’ scheme, Hosabale said he was hopeful that it will be implemented soon as the government and BJP President Amit Shah have given an assurance of resolving the issue soon.

He said during the three days, Sangh swayamsevaks, who are always aware and sensitive about issues, discussed unity, security, internal and external security. It was felt that the country’s strength and capability needs to be enhanced.

Right policies need to be adopted in combating terrorism, cross-border terrorism and internal security like, Maoists, violence.



Earlier, RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat is learnt to have taken up the issue of the ex-servicemen’s demand for One-Rank-One-Pension on the first day of the three-day Sangh conclave being held in New Delhi.

Though BJP leader Ram Madhav told reporters that OROP was not on the agenda, the RSS chief reportedly wanted to know why the government was not able to get the bureaucratic bottlenecks cleared to implement OROP as it was a commitment made to former soldiers.

“The core Hindutva issues like the rising population of Muslims and the Ram temple were also discussed. The message was that the Modi government should come out of the honeymoon period and show results.

The Sangh leaders, including those from other affiliated bodies, took their time and underlined that the party and the government should not lose sight of core Hindutva issues,” a source pointed out.

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Pensive, brooding, fully focused, fully zeroed-in Prime Minister Modi attended the RSS session on Friday amid tantalizingly comical rumours against him, Union ministers Rajnath Singh, Sushma Swaraj, Manohar Parrikar, M. Venkaiah Naidu and Ananth Kumar, besides Mr Jaitley, attended Wednesday’s meeting. BJP president Amit Shah was also present.

This is the first time since the NDA government came to power that the RSS is holding such a session, said to be a coordination meeting between the saffron body and the government. “The meeting is about how we should move ahead into the future. It’s not about any review of the government or any policy and programmes,”  BJP National Secretary + RSS’ perennial Spokesman Ram  Madhav said.

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