In the hindmost two years the administration has moved from an epoch of policy mobility to an epoch of policy primacy. Indian faction is now admired all around the sphere and now the world is seeing India with immense craving and zest. From expeditious resolution moulding to tactile effort on the deck level, from ameliorated output to India’s stature on the world stage increasing. India is truly undergoing phenomenal transformation for which India chose Narendra Modi.
His ambitious and far-sighted projects such as Jan Dhan, Digital India , Skill India , Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, Make In India, Swachh Bharat, Smart Cities, Ujjwala Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana, Ujala Yojana are a stride towards cognizance of the Modi’s Model of India-the India 1.25 cr reckon upon. We are citizens and we are selfish. Governments yojanas can never achieve its aims and ends until and unless the initiative transforms into people’s movement. The previous government “Won Elections and Lost India”. Slumbering at a pitful 4% growth rate & free falling rupee turning into one of the worst performing currency in the world, India under UPA was not a matter for joy. Dr. Singh led government was undoubtedly the most corrupt and vision-less government in the Indian Political History.
From last decades we hoped that we would rise but unfortunately our leaders lacked that vision and intent and we voted for a change. For the first time cabinet reshuffling was based on performance with mantra of less talk, more work. The induction of MJ Akbar (former journalist as MoS in MEA), PP Chaudhury (SC lawyer as MoS in Law & Justice), Anil Madhav Dave (Environmentalist, now Independent charge MoS of Forest and Climate change, Environment), shows that the government is looking to get the right people for the right job to accelerate the process of governance .On other hand Sanwar Lal Jat, Nihalchand, Ram Shankar Katheria, Mansukh Bhai Vasav and Mohanbhai Kundaria were dropped from the union cabinet. Here Modi again stands firm on his mantra “less talk,more work”. Performers have been rewarded.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi made a big bet on Foreign Direct Investment(FDI). The reforms decisions which took place made India the most open economy in the world for FDI. Defence, Pharmaceuticals,Air transport,Information and broadcasting, food processing saw approvals for 100 percent FDI. FDI inflows to India touched $55.46 billion in 2015-16 from $36.04 billion in 2013-14. With the raising of FDI cap in defence would ensure India’s access to the latest technologies available. It is to be noted that despite increasing budgetary allocation by the government ,the sector has failed to keep motion with other sectors. It is essential as most defence products involve use of advanced and state of the art technology which India lacks and can get transferred only when a foreign partner has a long stake in the company. The industrialization has indicated that a country cannot sustain its demands and consumption within its territory. It has to depend for materials, technology on other lands too.
Defence equipment available today are vintage and needs replacements. With a globalized setup and increasing competition between countries defence is one such sector which needs maximum attention. With 100 percent FDI in defence it would invite foreign firms into the country eager to make state of art jets, warships, arms and tanks. India’s sectors such as Defence, Pharmaceuticals, Air transport, Information and broadcasting, food processing would benefit India as “this will bring modern technology, improve rural infrastructure, reduce wastage of agricultural produce and provide cost effective-people friendly solutions”, which is nothing but a step towards a bigger and better India.
Having started the Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan on 2nd October 2014 would have expected a similar response from the Chief Ministers and government of different States. Sadly that was not forthcoming. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan should be a combined effort of both the government as well as the people.
Here Attitude change is more important than the movement.
Clean India campaign and Jan Dhan Yojna will have a profound impact on the country. Jan Dhan Yojna is India’s National Mission to ensure access to financial services, namely Banking Savings & Deposit Accounts, Remittance, Credit, Insurance, Pension in an affordable manner. Guinness World Records Recognises the Achievements made under this scheme, Guinness World Records Certificate says “The most bank accounts opened in 1 week as a part of financial inclusion campaign is 18,096,130 and was achieved by Banks in India from 23 to 29 August 2014”. By 1 June 2016, over 22 crore (220 million) bank accounts were opened and ₹384.11 billion (US$5.7 billion) were deposited under the scheme.
On the Labour Day Prime Minister Modi called himself Shramik No. 1 (Labour No. 1) as he launched his government’s ambitious Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY).The scheme aims at bridging gap between the APL and BPL families by providing LPG gas connection free of cost. Similarly other farsighted schemes like Make In India, Krishi Yojna are paving way for a stronger and better India.
In 1841 ,the British Prime Minister Lord Derby said in the House of Commons “The duty of an opposition is very simple; to oppose everything and propose nothing. This holds true in today’s political situation. The Goods and Service Tax(GST) is a value added tax which is levied on both goods and services, and which will replace all other indirect taxes which are currently in place. GST is anticipated to be a crucial reform in spurring growth in the Indian economy. GST will not only make the tax system simpler, but will also help in boost tax revenues , increased compliance, reduce the tax outflow in the hands of the consumers and make exports competitive. But due to political alignment it has been pending for its enactment. Opposition is more important than the government but at the same time it is the duty of the opposition to not oppose for their own petty personal ambitions and let India realize its true potential.
No suspicion he has push India as the “biggest opportunity” for both business investment and career-building in the current global economy. Nothing has changed except intent and that matters a lot. He is a hope, he is an aspiration, he has committed himself, he has strong convictions, he is resilient, and he has the right intent. Let’s hope for the best.