Natural resources like flora & fauna, lakes, rivers and hills have a significant role in Indian lifestyle. We are fortunate enough that nature has given us bounties in the form of flora & fauna. While diverse vegetations are decoration of the Earth, white tiger is the best gift of nature among wild animals. All the white tigers in zoos across the world owe their existence to Madhya Pradesh.
Vindhya region in Madhya Pradesh is the natural and original habitat of white tigers. May 27, 1951 is the historic day when white tiger came from forests under human protection. For this, wildlife lovers all over the world would remain indebted to the then Maharaja Martand Singh of Rewa. White tiger’s progeny was augmented and conserved in Vindhya till July 8, 1976 and spread all over the world from there.
It was a cherished ambition of state’s people that the state should regain its pride in the world vis-à-vis white tiger. The state government made positive initiative in this regard. The Yeoman’s efforts for return of white tigers to their natural and original habitat have manifested in the form of global level White Tiger Safari, Zoo and Rescue Centre at Mukundpur. The dense Maand jungles of Mukundpur have been natural and original habitats of white tiger. White tiger safari is significant from this viewpoint also. White tiger’s roars that had become a thing of past have started to reverberate again on the soil of Vindhya.
Madhya Pradesh’s National Wildlife Parks and Tiger Reserves have carved their distinct identity in the world. Mukundpur has also joined them now. Wildlife lovers and experts would have been curious as to how white tigers were augmented and conserved and what sort of their natural habitat would have been. They can now satiate their curiosities by visiting Mukundpur. By visiting attractive forests of Mukundpur they can become acquainted with habitat of white tiger. Due to Mukundpur White Tiger Safari, Vindhya region has established its identity on world tourism map. There are immense potential for expansion of this sector.
After establishment of Mukundpur White Tiger Safari, efforts would be needed to translocate white tigers to their natural and original habitat. They should be seen roaming freely in forests by tourists and wildlife lovers like year 1951.
The state government is making constant efforts to rehabilitate biodiversity and wild animals in their natural place and their conversation and augmentation. This is one of the important initiatives in this direction. I am thankful to all those who extended direct and indirect cooperation in this regard.
The novel gifts of nature to Madhya Pradesh have always been thrilling to the masses. Human beings feel bliss and tranquility in their close vicinity. Congratulations and best wishes to all people of the state specially Vindhya and the country for return of white tiger.
(Writer is Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh )
courtesy : mpinfo
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