Considerably recently established 60-member Ayodhya Nagar Nigam or Ayodhya Municipal Corporation is silently working toward making Ayodhya “Smart City” of 21st century even though officially, it has not yet been declared so but due to immense pressure/s from world over to make “”Ayodhya Global Tourist Spot”, it is being done so, rather, on “immediate basis”.
“When completed as ‘today’s all-facilities-packed city’, Ayodhya will be sought after globally. That will be in probability by next year,” says Ayodhya Municipal Commissioner S Rajalingam, IAS, in an exclusive tete-e-tete with JUST IN PRINT. “All civic infrastructures in Ayodhya will be either new, refurbished, or, innovatedly constructed with a view to catering all incoming masses in Ayodhya from all over the world in the coming days.”
Adds Assistant Municipal Commissioner Pooja Tripathi : “Whence completed, Ayodhya will be world class tourist spot. In tourism it will be secular : Ayodhya for all, by all, of all. This way, there will be a massive thrust of people of all hues from all over the world in Ayodhya. Its curiosity value emanating out of Ram’s Birth Place will be automatically satiated.”
Thus, lull before +storm ? Yep, unitedly say Vinay Katiyar, Acharya Giriraj Kishore, Acharya Govindacharya…..somany others like who since decades have been demanding Ayodhya’s glory, importance, relevance as before be restored sans any communalism or any pick-on on any community and the latter too should not object to it (Ayodhya’s regained glory) in any way.
Above mentioned personalities by the way played very crucial roles in the 1980s, 1990s in demanding Ayodhya be restored as glore of bygone era. But due to their stress on Ram Temple then, the movement was sort of fizzled out or was watered down. It sort of remained in cold storage for long many years till only recently, UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath (he himself played a frontal, boisetrous role in Ayodhya movement then demanding Ayodhya-ka-mahatwa-ka-punarooddhar) in all seriousness pronounced and subsequently established Ayodhya Nagar Nigam with elected 60 members whole sole job is to make Ayodhya fully capable, complete with all required civic facilities aand infrastructure/s. Right from the word ‘go’, Ayodhya Municpal Corporation or Ayodhya Nagar Nigam has been deeply engaged in solely making Ayodhya “World Class”.
Most interestingly, witnessing the official all round improvement, upliftment, modernisation of Ayodhya, even the non-Hindus are silent as they too agree that the centuries-old (timeless, say many) town of Ayodhya most urgently needed all round refurbishment in Ayodhya for it to look today’s town that is liveable for all, by all, of all.
Says Union Tourism Minister Mahesh Sharma : “There is a serious thought on Visa-on-Arrival be extended to Ayodhy-tourists whose massive influx is being predicted from now itself, foreseen all round. Experts of tourism are openly forecasting literally a boom in tourism industry on Ayodhya. As it is, the Foreign Exchange Earnings (FEEs) during the period January-May 2017 was Rs 74,008 crore with a growth of 19.2%. Now with Ayodhya-doors, the moment they are opened, FEEs’ massive jump in revenues in foreign exchange can be well calculated. …It can be easily predicted that Ayodhya is a hot favourite among the masses of the world. They want to see Ayodhya which from time immemorial has been associated with Ram who’s globally acknowledged Maryada Puroshottom. People from all over the world want to see his Birth Place and re-associate it with today. They want Ram more today as He is so very relevant even today perhaps more because of changing times of self-centre as pervasive today. …Ayodhya-tourism will bring in a new boom to tourism in the country that will be frequented by masses of all hues from all over the world. As for any kind of any other (social) motive behind promoting Ayodhya or Ayodhya-tourism, it is not true at all. The sole idea is to welcome-all in Ayodhya and they should feel comfortable with all the required facilities as available elsewhere. ”
Interestingly, Tousim Ministry’s large sections of insiders along with their colleagues in related ministries opine, rather confide, that Ayodhya-tourism in the days to come could well be termed as Spiritual Tourism or Swadesh Darshan to inherently promote cultural and heritage values of India. There are hush-hush talks in the ministry and elsewere that serious thought are being given on this aspect as well and a concerete decision may well come to the fore once refurbished=Ayodhya is complete with Ayodhya-tourism begins in full earnest.
Senior bureaucrats of various ministries do agree, albeit in silence, that India’s clout today in the whole world has tremendously increased and it does pull shots whenever required. It has been proved in many an instance in the recent days/months in many crucial sectors like preventing war in the globe, pacifying China on Red Sea etc. In that perspective (the most realistic perspective in the whole world today as vociferously acknowledged by all and sundry) whenever India will want, it will easily succeed in turning the global attention toward Ayodhya and rope in masses of all hues from all through the world.
With Ayodhya full-fledged, fully capacitated municipal town complete with all required civic facilties, from this year itself, Ayodhya will attract people from all over the world 24 x 7 x 365.
Ayodhya officers in the Ayodhya Municipal Corporation openly are saying that all constructions — whether new or redone-type — taking place in Ayodhya are world class with huge survival-time. There is no slackness as there is no weak construction and all of them are truly world class. Even the Western, Asian delegates who visited Ayodhya in recently agreed with it. Perhaps this is also the reason why multi national hotel chain from abrodad have already fixed their spots for international hotels, lodges, resting places. They are hurriedly looking forward toward “completed Ayodhya” so that they can start their business ventures with full gusto. Interestingly, many of them are stationed in Ayodhya at the time of writing. They are assessing Ayodhya-mood 24×7. They are convinced that Ayodhya will be a global tourism plave in the coming days. In many countries, bookings for Ayodhya-tourism has already started and it is attracting huge crowds from all over. In fact their bookings are already jam-packed.
Ayodhya Nagar Nigam 60 elected members are slogging day in and day out efforting to make Ayodhya comparable to global municipal city. They will succeed in it as days go by as Ayodhya is being all decked to “Vishwa Star ka Shahar” (world class city) Vasudeiva Kutumbakam, truly.
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