Many political commentators viewed the 2014 election results, where BJP on its own secured a majority for the first time, as an aberration which wasn’t going to be repeated again — or more correctly, a black swan event. However, all these theories were proven wrong when Indian voters elected Modi again in 2019 with a thumping majority more than that of 2014.

Politically speaking, the results of 2019 confirmed the change of the pole of country’s politics which had been dominated for decades by the grand old Congress party. Now, BJP is the centre of Indian politics. This can be witnessed from the 2019 elections, where BJP emerged more as a stronger party by securing 37 per cent votes in comparison to 31 per cent it received in 2014. The saffron party led NDA combination fetched a whopping 45 per cent votes more than its 37 per cent share in 2014. Once upon a time, Congress also used to fetch 40 per cent+ vote share during its heydays under the leadership of Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi.
True that BJP has been tremendously successful in the last 6 years politically but this can’t be said when it comes to governance. There have been many successes and failures.

One of the criteria that the BJP government failed in the last six years is to effectively communicate with the people on policies in time. The result is that often it is seen that any big policies of the government comes with confusions — enough for the opposition to create controversies. Opposition parties also have their own share of blame but why only blame them when they are provided fodder by the government’s ineffective and delayed communication?

This has been witnessed when the Citizenship Amendment Bill, now Citizenship Amendment Act, was passed in the parliament. Had the government done its homework properly, the protests wouldn’t have intensified to a greater extent. The government made a huge mistake by including Assam in the CAA despite knowing the fact that when it comes to citizenship, the state has some specific criteria, quite different from other states. Not to forget, it was Assam where the initial violent protests took place.

Not only this, the Modi government also seems to be suffering from policy paralysis. This can be witnessed on the Kashmir issue. Agree that the BJP government kept its promise to remove Article 370 but at the same time, it is also true that the dispensation doesn’t seem to have a clear strategy to deal with the post-Article 370 situation in the valley. This incompetency of the government can be witnessed in the present crisis too. Agree that the second package was not a bad one, as some critics are saying, but also true is that the government has been quite late in announcing the measures for the migrants. Also, the dispensation hasn’t yet announced an increase in the amount of payments to be given to the needy section. The present payments are too meagre.

Another major cause of embarrassment for this government during this period are the nonsensical comments often aired by the BJP MPs and ministers. As a result, opposition gets a chance to create controversies — and puts the government on the backfoot. And, if such worthless comments come during parliament sessions, it creates more problems for the government. The opposition creates ruckus on it and forces the government to intervene and to pour cold water on the issue. In doing so, the dispensation had to abandon important business proceedings of the day. It is not that they aren’t warned by the BJP. Often these leaders are cautioned. Modi himself had asked his fellow party MPs not to get excited by seeing cameras and be cautious with the words they utter to the press members but despite all of this, they manage to humiliate their own government. This also points that BJP has to be more strict — if it wants its own government to be away from these useless controversies.
True that BJP has been tremendously successful in the last 6 years politically but this can’t be said when it comes to governance. There have been many successes and failures.

One of the criteria that the BJP government failed in the last six years is to effectively communicate with the people on policies in time. The result is that often it is seen that any big policies of the government comes with confusions — enough for the opposition to create controversies. Opposition parties also have their own share of blame but why only blame them when they are provided fodder by the government’s ineffective and delayed communication?

This has been witnessed when the Citizenship Amendment Bill, now Citizenship Amendment Act, was passed in the parliament. Had the government done its homework properly, the protests wouldn’t have intensified to a greater extent. The government made a huge mistake by including Assam in the CAA despite knowing the fact that when it comes to citizenship, the state has some specific criteria, quite different from other states. Not to forget, it was Assam where the initial violent protests took place.

Not only this, the Modi government also seems to be suffering from policy paralysis. This can be witnessed on the Kashmir issue. Agree that the BJP government kept its promise to remove Article 370 but at the same time, it is also true that the dispensation doesn’t seem to have a clear strategy to deal with the post-Article 370 situation in the valley. This incompetency of the government can be witnessed in the present crisis too. Agree that the second package was not a bad one, as some critics are saying, but also true is that the government has been quite late in announcing the measures for the migrants. Also, the dispensation hasn’t yet announced an increase in the amount of payments to be given to the needy section. The present payments are too meagre.

Another major cause of embarrassment for this government during this period are the nonsensical comments often aired by the BJP MPs and ministers. As a result, opposition gets a chance to create controversies — and puts the government on the backfoot. And, if such worthless comments come during parliament sessions, it creates more problems for the government. The opposition creates ruckus on it and forces the government to intervene and to pour cold water on the issue. In doing so, the dispensation had to abandon important business proceedings of the day. It is not that they aren’t warned by the BJP. Often these leaders are cautioned. Modi himself had asked his fellow party MPs not to get excited by seeing cameras and be cautious with the words they utter to the press members but despite all of this, they manage to humiliate their own government. This also points that BJP has to be more strict — if it wants its own government to be away from these useless controversies.

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