By Soumitra Bose/Mukesh Kumar Sinha
“Be Confident And Avoid Flattery” is consciously/extrovertly/introvertly/ambivertly practiced in toto all through 24 hours by Prime Minister Narendra Damodar Modi. That is why he has no enemies, competitors, rivals. He may have helter-skelter critics though. They too are nincompoops, feather-weights. Their wayward “opinions/comments” are fictitious, whimsical, meaningless when analysed — not even threadbare ; mere assessments of those fictions are more than enough to prove that originators of them are “crazy”, “senile”. “neuros”.
A Simple Human Trait it is : Human Nature is to seek acceptance of others. This is true for most of us irrespective of our status in society. Everyone seems interested in acquiring external validation in order to justify their acts. This is evident in acts of a peasant as well as VVVIP, large scale political campaigns of our leaders.
When everyone agrees to us, then we raise our head and walk confidently in the society. This is completely normal and this is what to be expected from a social animal.
A few Words About MODI version of Confidence: Confidence is an important component of a strong personality. Feeling confident is surely a pleasurable state of mind. He personally believes that confidence is another name for the self-trust regarding own abilities.
He has a simple question for you : Confidence is dependent on self-trust or opinions of others?
This question to tens of guys on pavement and none choose the second option. In fact true confidence comes from within and certainly it has nothing to do with views of others.
How and What Flattery Exploits?
A flatter exploits the man’s urge to seek acceptance. In the process he delivers a false sense of confidence to his victim and thus makes him vulnerable.
Does one need to explain anything else?
Thanks for your time and may the Almighty deliver happiness to all of us. TaTa sycophancy.