DIDI Dwarfed D saves Bose


By Soumitra Bose/Mukesh Kumar Sinha


Allah-o-Akbar yelled Johnny Walker Blue Label+Emperor Label guzzling congenital self-publicizing, couldn’t-care-less-for-anyone-specialising Multi Billionaire (multi trillionaire, say many who know him) Swapan Sadhan “Tutu” Bose, die-heartedly, bear-embraced Bhaiyon-ka-Bhai (globally known to be perfect “My Baap, Aap Hee Aap, Mai Kooch Nahee”) Dawood Ibrahim in ——– !, entered into a “Mujhe Bachaiye” pact, ‘mere bete Srinjoy Bose ko jail se bahar nikaliye, ooskaa keemat leejeeye’ repeatedly rattling, abeggingly pleading, praying to calm, composed, sober, suave, sophisticated, sizzling, scintillating “D”.

“D”, The Boss, did not say anything of that sort except, he directed Bose to side with the BJP from “this very moment” (in chaste English), establish convivial rapport with BJP National President Amit Shah, listen to and obey his directives in toto, get himself known to his team+West Bengal BJP, relentlessly in all ways for the BJP to defeat/oust Trinamool Congress from the state. In return, his son Srinjoy Bose will be released. Rabbit-like Tutu Bose with his hulk immediately agreed without battling his eyelid. (Srinjoy Bose, the Rajya Sabha MP, was released from months’incarceration soon after. His first and foremost action after that : He resigned from Trinamool Congress membership, from MPship as well. So did his ‘multi-faceted, colorful, always rainbow-witnessing Dad Extraordinaire’ Tutu Bose.)

Before both’s meeting (now termed as “meeshtee” {sweet} by both’s skinny, famished goons), the ground for it was set up/prepared by the UP MP well-known to D since decades, “guardian” of Bose since mid-‘90s. (It should be categorically mentioned here that Bose, like most Bengalis, in Indian normal parlance, is untrustworthy, unreliable, squeaky, high-thinking, supercilious, superior-complexed, garbled, disparaging all except himself, all the time. In that spirit, he ditched, betrayed, the UP MP as well, caring f’all even for his D connection despite the fact that his Dubai-businesses were/are on because of…Get the point?!? If not so, ask the MP — now in the capital — and he has minutest details on that. For that matter, ask TuTu Bose, now fully shrunk. For how long so though?) As of now, he will allow himself to be roped in by the West Bengal BJP, he’ll self-abnegate for the BJP to form next Government in West Bengal in 2006. Lo and behold, otherwise always leonine, TuTu Bose meekly agreed saying “I was Jyoti Basu’s Johnny Walker Blue Label partner, I made him, I patronized Chandan Basu against all odds, I structured Mamata Banerjee, now I am obligation-free. I’ll serve the BJP whole heartedly.”

Earlier Bose was stuck in (Haldia) Port Scam. Then, Trinamool MP, Srinjoy Bose could be in for more trouble not only on the Saradha front but from the one involving his family business in the shipping sector.

Ripley & Company and its sister concerns owned by then Trinamool Rajya Sabha member Srinjoy Bose and his father Swapan Sadhan (Tutu) Bose, a former Trinamool Congress MP duped the Government of an estimated Rs24,500 crore over the past 35 years. The CBI was probing the cargo-handling business run by the Bose family for the past more than three decades in Haldia and other ports in utter violation of the MPT Act and without paying the Government a single farthing, save an annual license fee of Rs 5,000 while earning hundreds of crores in return.

According to authoritative sources, CBI sleuths thoroughly questioned Kolkata Port Trust chairman RPS Kahlon and two other senior officials AK Dutta GM, Administration and SK Saharoy, GM, Traffic for more than three hours regarding the cargo handling operations of Ripley and Company co-owned by Swapan Sadhan Bose a former Trinamool MP and his son Srinjoy Bose, also TMC MP, who was earlier arrested for his alleged connection with the Saradha scam. The CBI was also investigating as to how the cargo handling company of the Boses worked in 10 out of 12 berths at Haldia Port as also why the French company ABJ which gave a far cheap rate was forced to withdraw from Haldia.

Government lost several thousand crores of rupees in this port scam. Even then he was so high flying that he couldn’t care less for D. He diabolically maintained, “none can touch me, my son Srinjoy, his brother as well. We are invincible”.

Nevertheless, now TuTu Bose’s son Srinjoy has been released. Swapan Sadhan Tutu Bose swearing to be an inveterate BJP-player-cum-RSS insider-cum-Vishwa Hindu Parishad strategist-cum-Hindu Maha Sabha plier-cum-Durga Vahini advisor/patron-cum- Ram Mandir Publicist-only Hindu Supporter has already begun canvassing/campaigning for the BJP for its three-fourth majority in the state in 2016. His innumerable “naukar” are spread all over the state campaigning for the BJP adopting various methods. TuTu is proving to the Bhai that he is seriously pro-BJP Government in the state right now itself.

Meanwhile, how perfectly, timely right (like a true clairvoyant, predictor, forecaster) he was…It will be Bhag Mamata Banerjee Bhag in 2016 : BJP’s Siddharth Nath Singh extremely soberly, sophisticatedly, suavely. “It will also be for Mamata , CMC (Chod Mamata Chod), TMT (Thok Mamata Thok), KMK (Kud Mamata Kud), SMS (SoJa Mamata SoJa), Bandh Mamata Bandh, CMC (Catch Mamata Catch)”.

Mamata is now all set to face dusk (she always exhibited, The Sun never set/s in her “Shaamraajjo {Empire}”) , go into veritable oblivion, become anachronous, turn effete, consigned to history, witness ‘heaven’ in Buddham Sharanam Gachchami spirit. Nirvana for her is very near, unanimously claim at least six dozen proven popular inveterate — many of them congenital as well — ‘correct’ predicting  tantriks in the West Bengal state, 70% of them from Kolkata alone, 90% of them from Mamata Banerjee-frequenting Kalighat to put bluntly.

.   All of them boisterously proclaim, Mamata Banerjee being supercilious, power has assuredly gone into her straight as result, she is unable to digest it. She is considering herself to be a invincible, incalculable, invigorating, intimidating, inimical,  monster. But she is not so. She is not even a shade on it, to put it bluntly. Result : Tantriks of all hues are now saying she is over and passé already. Her Monsters are pissed off with her . They want to annihilate her now. Practically, she will leave CM’s Chair any moment now. She then will resort to Dhyana, Tapasya, Angeekara, incantations, Veda, Upanishada, Purana, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Slokas, ultimately take refuge in  Vanaprastha Ashram.  She will spontaneously make way for Subrata Mukherjee or Amit Mitra, both her Ministers, as her heir and leave aside her present ruin-doer Abhijeet Banerjee, her own nephew, MP and her image-shatterer. Earlier not long ago, she had nominated her supercilious nephew as her heir and future Trinamool Congress President independent of Congress, Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi. She even projected Abhijeet Banerjee as smarter than Rahul Gandhi and future Prime Minister of India. Many of her present Ministers, MLAs, party insiders were directed to promote her nephew as National Leader and India’s First Bengali Prime Minister, Duly Elected by the countrymen rejecting “nincompoop” Rahul Gandhi. Adroitly, flagrantly, dexterously, immaculately helping him in this mission is, believe it or not, Congress President Sonia Gandhi’s Political Advisor Ahmed Patel, who is still all friends with his “bumchum” Narendra Damodar Modi, sore with Gandhis (he holds them directly responsible for his not getting elected to Lok Sabha from his paternal Bharuch, remaining “commoner”-cum-nonMP for (a)long many years, taking Modi-Minister Najma Heptuallah’s “Guest Accomodation” and what not. …Then he suddenly became Sonia Gandhi’s Political Advisor (only he knows how, Congressmen don’t have slightest clue on the reasons of that at all. He then even diabolically, indefatigably provoked Congressmen all over the country confidently claim that Ahmed Patel would actively effect en masse defection/s from Congress to BJP though that was temporarily halted) and fully dominated the Congress not letting any Congressman open his/her voice. Alongside, he did not have time to meet them as well claiming himself to be always busy with Congress President “SG”. This finally made Congressmen distance from the Congress itself. They lend weight behind other parties.

Congress lost. His friend became “Pradhan Mantri”. His protector of his Meena Bagh residence Najma Heptullah became Cabinet Minister. His entry in PM House 24×7 became easiest, effortless, hasslefree, un-cumbersome, non-clattering, non-cluttering, non-chanting, easiest of all people in the world. He just needed to go to the PM House Gate and drive in even while others had to go through after long pauses, enquiries, answers. (It is reminiscent, according to PM House insiders, of Chandra Swamy driving straight into the PM House during late Prime Minister Narasimha Rao’s tenure.)

Apparently, Modi is deeply fond of Ahmed Patel’s Chandra Swamy like “SuperNaturalIntrinsicDoGooder Power”. Modi, according to Patel confidantes, literally respects Patel’s “Supersonic Right Clairvoyance About Modi’s Coming Days/Months/Years”.

Coming back to Mamata Banerjee — Ahmed Patel is relevant to her, that’s why above mentions of his — she never anticipated she would be ditched by her all purpose Man Friday Swapan Sadhan “Tutu” Bose, his MP-son Srinjoy Bose.

      She thus now is politically orphan.

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