“Congress is finished. In Karnataka, Congress Government will fall any time. In Karnataka, CongressMen en masse are joining the BJP. In the very near ensuing days, Congress’ll be BJP personified in Karnataka so strong’s The BJP-Wind, Narendra Modi Wave there as every where else in the country. People en masse there are with Narendra Modi as every where else in the country,” says 71-year-old ‘Mr StrongMan’ Bookanakere Siddalingappa Yeddyurappa, 19th Chief Minister of Karnataka, currently National Vice-President of ruling BJP correctly hand-picked by its (truly) National Chief Amit Shah, hellbent on making BJP synonymous with all through India at the earliest. Yeddyurappa is a member of the 16th Lok Sabha of India and he represents Shimoga Parliamentary Constituency in Karnataka. He became the Chief Minister of Karnataka after leading the BJP to a thumping victory in the 2008 Karnataka Assembly Elections in 2008. He was the First Person from the BJP to become the Chief Minister of a South Indian State. “BJP is now gaining so much rapidly that the party is all set to win next Elections in Karnataka hands down and form next Government there,” says overtly confident Office Bearers of the Karnataka BJP in unison. “YeddyurappaJee naturally will lead our Government as-n-when, if-n-when elected in the next state elections due any time now with the fall of the present Congress Government.” Mentionably, Yeddyurappa, predictably sensitive, sentimental but fully tough nut, is now fully ‘comfortable’ in the BJP. Its insiders flagrantly exhibit, he’s integral part of Karnataka BJP in every sense of the term. They show him all the necessary respect. …Equanimity, cogency, patience in every respect personified is Yeddyurappa. As BJP V-P, he is confined his tasks assigned by the BJP National President Amit Shah. He at the same time confidently asserts that the Congress is virtually in the tatters being pieced into small itsy-bitsies like mere riff-raff. Same is the case with the Congress in his home state, Karnataka where Congress is presently ruling. There, 1-by-1, Congress wickets are rapidly falling making easiest way for a clear Mid-Term Assembly Election, ‘BJP-ousting-Congress-n-form-BJP-Government-in-its-place’, or, Governor Rule-followed-by-fresh-Assembly-Elections. In the midst of this clear, intense pro-BJP wave in Karnataka, stolidly firm Yeddyurappa gives an exclusive interview to JUST IN PRINT.
As National BJP’s National Vice-President, how’re you seeing the BJP-position all through the country?
You know very well in the State Assembly Elections (just took place) BJP won all over. People en masse there lock, stock, barrel voted for the BJP rising above caste, creed, credo, region, all discriminations. BJP won all over. Congress badly lost. Congress is finished. Congress is out and gone. It is a passé already and will continue to be so. You’ll see that in J&K as well. People’re voting for the BJP 100% rising above all considerations prevalent since independent country’s inception in 1947. They have no qualms of any kind voting for the BJP, Narendra Modi, Amit Shah, BJP Flag, BJP Logo, BJP Ideology, BJP Principles. This in itself is the greatest BJP achievement in Kashmir-Jammu and other parts of the state. People in this state of J&K want immediate development. They do not want TooshteeKaran of any kind. They don’t want false assurances, lie promises, fake moon-showing…They want Governance for their all round upliftment, the state’s all round progress so that they at the soonest feel they are integral part of India like anywhere else in India. They want a Government that is by them, for them , of them so that they constantly keep asking them what the Government officers/ Ministers/MLAs are doing for them and in which all sectors so that they see hope for them…This they conclude they will be beneficial on all these only in BJP Government. They want BJP Government to be headed by a Chief Minister who will be truly c/o Narendra Modi who’s all out for the all round development for the state without any bias of any kind. Under the circumstances, Congress’s no where. Its lost out there. Its losing out elsewhere also rapidly. According to me, Congress has become a regional party. Congress is losing out day by day in all states. BJP Wave’s swept away Congress from all states.
According to me aftyer 1 or 2 years, Congress’ll surely become a regional party confined only in a few states or their districts, villages, hamlets. In AP, Bengal, ruling parties are already on the wane. BJP’s all set to come in there. …India in the BJP Governance is already on par with US, Europe, Japan, China etc. US President Barak Obama’s according full equal status to India in the BJP Government.
Modi’s Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas has attracted people all over (in India in its every state, every district, every village. They want to be part of the Modi’s Governance to be on them even if it be via State Governments, District Administrations, even, Gram Panchayats. Modi’s the Catch Word for them, panacea for their Developments of All Kinds. …Same is the condition in Karnataka. BJP therein all through its interiors, all through is so popular that the people are waiting to caste their votes in BJP’s favour for the BJP Government.
Congress is finished in Karnataka. Congressmen are regularly joing the BJP in the state willingly making BJP more-n-more household name in the entire state. En masse, en bloc, Congressmen are joining BJP day-in-n-day-out. You visit Karnakata to see it to believe it. BJP is mass craze among the Karnataka masses. They want BJP Government to administer them. They want Modi’s blessings be on the Karnataka Government all the time. This way, they are fully convinced that the Karnataka state will steadily progress in all sectors.
Congress’s finished in Karnataka like elsewhere in the country, in its other states. Elections in Karnataka are not ruled out . Whenever they take place, all will see BJP winning, sweeping Karnataka Elections and forming BJP Government in the Karnataka State. Modi’s Sabka Sath, Sabka Vikas has attracted the masses finishing caste, creed, credo, regionalism, cliques, regionalism, socialism, leftism, marketism etc, etc. Since Development is the only priority of Modi, countrymen of all hues are with him, and the BJP. The same is in Karnataka. People there are truly exasperated, exhausted, frustrated with Congress and its gross misrule. And also its utter ineffective Governance that if all has kept Karnataka — and entire India as well — awfully underdeveloped, the legacy of which is still writ large everywhere. It’s the same in Karnataka.
Like elsewhere in the country, people here too want BJP Government. …Modi’s already a World Leader because of his All Round Development Talks, Vasudeiva Kutumbakam, no dogma, no shallowness, no discrimination/s of any kind, no narrowness. He has Open Mind, Enough Patience to listen/understand/perceive/conceive issues dogging. He’s always forward-looking, that’s why he’s always supporting development/s which people of Karnataka also want. Such type of forward looking Global Leader like Modi was not Nehru, Indira Gandhi and others. Modi is. Naturally then, India looks to be changing. Modi’s delivering results also. When Modi took over as PM, the economic situation was worst. Country was in Rs 1 lac 22,000 crore debt. By God’s Grace, Within 6 months of his Governance, it was removed. There are more such solid examples of Modi’s Superlative Performances. That is why no body’s talking against Modi anything ill at all. They are seeing results in front of them.
Also, no wonder due to Modi’s All Round +ve result oriented Salvo in all sectors, Congress’s become a regional party. Its facades have been exposed. Congress’ indulgence only in vote bank politics to stay in power has been rejected by the people. They now want development. They
like in Karnataka
want Modi-BJP Government to govern them for their, states’ all round, uptodate development/s.