By Mukesh Kumar Sinha, Bengauru
Crucial Food for immediate irretrievable, intractable, irrefutable thought (many in the present Government/s are already into it, they are seriously contemplating on it to avert the social holocaust in the nearest future) : Should Karnataka Exist hereafter/hereon considering its very composition is today an eyesore, sort-of-meaningless, objectionable, debatable, controversy-prone, civil war-prone, violence-encompassing…all maleficent, malevolent pointing to violentcoming days with people becoming fast restless in the absence of variety/ varieties of non development/s, lack of new employment-according units, drying up of natural resources, fast depleting employment opportunities et al social issues that have by and large crippled the citizens of Karnataka?
Under the circumstances, it is only natural that there is afast-n-growing hue-n-cry on why have Karnataka at all ? Instead, other states’ components engrained in it to make what is known today as Karnataka be given back to their original respective states so that from now on they partake of the profits from there now being enjoyed by Karnataka which is ‘hollow’ and should only be actually Mysore like it was then. Why and what was the necessity of Karnataka at all ? (No justification of extension of Mysore to Karnataka is relevant today with development being the key word and that it should equally apply
to all states and their region without any discrimination of any kind).
Why not be as then – Mysore State ? {The erstwhile state of Mysore was joined with parts of Bombay (now Mumbai), Hyderabad, Madras (now Chennai) and Coorg to form Karnataka five decades ago under the States Reorganisation Act, 1956. During this process, certain Marathi-speaking areas were also merged into it, which became a cause of dispute between Maharashtra and Karnataka. (It vehemently continues even today.) }
In 1957, the then government of Bombay requested the zonal council to recommend re-demarcation of the boundaries on uniform principles, but this was not formally considered.
With attempts to reach an amicable solution failing, the then Government of India had to intervene. But nothing happened until 1966, when Senapati Bapat, a freedom fighter, and three other Maharashtrian leaders went on a fast unto death demanding the resolution of the dispute.
In October 1966, the Government of India appointed the third Chief Justice, Mehr Chand Mahajan, to make recommendations to solve the dispute.
Onto example of discontent in Karnataka : Belgaum. Situated near the foothills of the Sahyadri mountain range, a mineral rich Belgaum has been a bone of contention between two states — Maharashtra and Karnataka — each staking claim for its ownership.
Now, the Central Government has stoked the fire by backing the Bharatiya Janata Party’s Karnataka’s claim. It filed an affidavit
in the Supreme Court Centre in a case filed by Maharashtra in 2004 under the States Reorganisation Act 1956 challenging the inclusion of 865 Marathi-speaking villages in Belgaum, Karwar, Gulbarga and Bidar in Karnataka.
The Centre stating that language was never the sole determinant behind the reorganisation of states and the Maharashtra had no claim over Belgaum. As protests echo on either sides of the border, present Central Government will be required to quell it once and for all times to come to avert ‘doom’ in the nearest future.
In 2015, at the earliest, it will become imperative (to keep the country united, cohesive) for the Government/s to sort out such decades old pending issues. Once this done, the country will be governed peacefully without any hassle of any kind.