By Soumitra Bose/Mukesh Kumar Sinha
How right is 92-year-old Madhav Govind Vaidya, globally well-known one of the most effective masses-influencing reality-speakers+pragmatic society-analyser+impeccable masses-influencer since decades, when he officially says : “From the (just out Delhi Assembly Election results) results, it is clear that (Narendra) Modi’s popularity is over” .
Inherently unbeliever in rumours, hush-hush gossips, scuttlebutt, “according to (reliable) sources”, maligning talks, muck-throwing, disparaging remarks, He said this after it was officially announced that the BJP got 3, Congress 0, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), whopping 67 (1st time since 1951) out of total 70 seats in the Delhi Assembly.
What Vaidya did not say — and would never say as well, say those who know him since decades — and justifiably so to avoid controversies, BJP is not Modi, Modi is not BJP+BJP is not Delhi Police, Kiran Bedi is Delhi Police, Delhiites detest Delhi Police+their high handedness+wrongful exploitation+constant ursurptions+leveling fake charges to extract stacks+behave like Khaki clad Britishers of “Hum Angrezon ke Zamane ke Delhi Police Hain, Hum sirf aur sirf wasoolee, wasool nehee, jaante hain”, Delhiites also detest Delhi Police-like aggressive, rough, badly parlanced yet retired Kiran Bedi, thus they rejected her and hence, BJP in the process showing their clear displeasure with Narendra Modi (repeatedly praised by Bedi claiming she has full blessings of Modi since beginning of her being projected by him — even now— as Delhi Chief Minister etc) pinning her as Delhi CM. They straightaway abstained from voting for the BJP, (masses’ favorite) “Delhi Police Hi, Hi” discarding Kiran Bedi (she in fact proudly repeatedly vociferously campaigned her self as martinet being Delhi Police trained thereby not realizing by saying this (she said so absolutely proudly) she was earning more and more wrath, enemies among Delhi Police-hating voters for herself, Narendra Modi (his Development for Delhi speeches went fully waste). They spontaneously, willingly, naturally voted en masse for Arvind Kejriwal, his AAP, its yet-to-be fully tested candidates (many of whom though were MLAs, Ministers in his previous 49-day Government, never mind howsoever repeatedly it has been boisterously castigated, criticized for that).
In Kejriwal, AAP’s advantage also : Their positive campaigning, canvassing, no maligning others, putting forth right points in front of the masses, no grandiloquent promises to the crowds, no deceit, no concealments of any kind, only, +points enhanced/earmarked/targeted for Delhi, Delhiites’ all round welfare, upliftment, facilities for them to live comfortably without any fear of Delhi Police beating them, incarcerating them, or, torturing them, or, snatching money after money from them or threatening them after they set in power in the capital.
Delhi masses have valid point/s to reject Kiran Bedi-Narendra Modi. (Interestingly there is no mention of BJP National President Amit Shah anywhere in BJP’s straight wash out in Delhi. Because the latter only followed directives of NarendraBhai ModiJee. Kiran Bedi, according to her repeated public pronouncements, is indebted to Modi because of his keeping his hand of blessing on her as Delhi’s Mukhya Mantri. She had nothing to do with Amit Shah, so to say). As many in Delhi openly say : “The way Kiran Bedi talks, it reminds us of batoned khaki police men filled BJP. It does not look like a political party at all. Whole BJP resembles constantly torturing, exploiting, crude, brute, boorish, abusive, always bribe-taking, abusive, vituperative, always-demanding, specialists in dereliction of their duties, flagrantly anti-common people or Aam Aadmi, leveling awful false charges on them, having no mercy, showing allegiance only to wrongful extortion cum usurpation of money, et al.
Kiran Bedi’s very talking was detested by the masses. They kept mum. Even BJP diehard supporters turned against her. To expose one reality here on why masses turned against the BJP and voted for AAP : While answering questions on Arvind Kejriwal, Kiran Bedi like a true DP personnel said : “Kejriwal is a Oopadravee (like others from his beeradree Agarwal Community). (Roughly it means, mischief-maker, raider, unruly, nuisance-creater, usurper, arm-twister).”
This spread like wildfire all through Delhi, its surroundings, entire NCR. In many parts of North as well, thanks to social media, mobiles, nets etc and no-holds-barred accessibility to them.
Agarwals became enraged with Kiran Bedi, BJP’s silence on it, Narendra Modi’s MaunVrat on it as well. In other words, Agarwals took it for guaranted, Kiran Bedi publicly abused Agarwal with the full pre-notified consent of Modi, the “sole proprietor of Kiran Bedi.” They then and there decided to boycott, albeit absolutely silently, BJP and vote for AAP fully knowing the latter to be no way beneficial to them. But they compromised on that and refused to be with the BJP. The latter did not get any wind of it. They as always took the Agarwals for guaranted. Good for the ¾ of total Delhi voters, Agarwals, as they comfortably voted for the AAP.
Knowing Agarwals here is important and relevant to assess their full power : Agrasena fathered 18 children, from whom the Agrawal gotras came into being. Maharaja Agrasena was a peaceful king and did not like violence, once while performing a yagna, the Rajguru asked Maharaja Agrasena to sacrifice a goat in order for the ceremony to be successfully completed. Agrasena did not wish to kill the innocent animal and refused to the killing of the animal. The Rajguru advised that since he was a Kshatriya king, it was his duty to perform the ritual and if he does not wish to proceed, he should give up Kshatriya caste and take up Vaishya caste. According to another legend, the goddess Mahalakshmi urged Agrasena to take up the Vaishya tradition of business for the prosperity of his people. She asked him to establish a new kingdom, and promised that she would bless his descendants with prosperity and wealth. Agrasena travelled all over India with his queen to select a place for a new kingdom, and finally established his kingdom at Agroha. According to Vachanakosha of Bulakhichand (1680 CE), Agar Rishi married a naga-kanya (nagavanshi girl) and had 18 children. A similar account is given in 1885 Bombay Presidency Gazetteer, Rishi Agrasen married 17 naga-kanyas.
Agrasena divided his kingdom amongst his 18 children, resulting in eighteen Agrawal gotras. Often, the number of gotras is stated to be seventeen and a half. According to one legend, Agrasena proceeded to conduct 18 mahayajnas (“Great yajnas”). When he was in the process of performing his eighteenth yajna, he was filled with compassion for the animal to be sacrificed. He put a stop to his eighteenth yajna announcing that no sacrifices will be made in his kingdom in the name of yajnas. Thus, the eighteenth yajna was not completed and Agrasena had only performed seventeen and a half yajnas. The sage Garga blessed him with seventeen and a half gotras. There are 6 sub groups as well : the Bisa or Visa Agarwal, Dasa or Gata Agarwal, Saralia, Sarogi or Jain, Maheshwari or Shaiva, and, Oswal.
From this account, it is easily understandable about the mammoth strength of Vaish Community among 70 assembly seats in Delhi. And subsequently, their support base in the Delhi BJP till just held Delhi Elections wherein they showed their “impeccable” back to party bosses+Delhi BJP Chief Satish Upadhayay+Kiran Bedi+? . Their anteriors for AAP did wonders for Kejriwal and Co. Their posteriors turned to be curse for BJP.
Similarly, lakhs of minute-by-minute wage earners like cart pullers, khomche wallahs etc showed adversity for Kiran Bedi and voted for AAP en masse. So on and so forth. AAP has now swept Delhi elections. Delhiites have pardoned Kejriwal for not completing his previous full tenure. This time he will !