By Soumitra Bose/Narendra Modi
Narendra Modi’s 24×7 sacrosanct Advisor-cum-pal-cum-inspirarer-cum-informer-cum-sharer-cum-motivator-cum-path shower+Congress President Sonia Gandhi’s Political Advisor (any iota of doubt — or any other inkling? Eject it, banish it forever — now why Congress lost in last Lok Sabha Elections and why Modi won hands down?) Ahmed Patel has finally opened his forlorn, touch-me-not, out-of-all(even, ants)-bounds Willingdon Crescent situated Red Fort fortress like Government accomodation’s high-heighted heavy iron gates.
To his friends, chums, compatriots, colleagues, aides, bum-chums, observers, fans, servants he now says Congress from now on will never ever come back to power and hence, it is fold up for his secrecy. Thus his house gates are open for all and sundry.
“AhmedBhai will continue to do everything possible to expunge Congress under Gandhis and at the same time, he will widen his base in the BJP secretly till he joins the party officially. He is very close to both ModiJee and BJP National President Amit ShahBhai — both Gujaratis like him — and both have red carpet ready for him to join the BJP. According to our foolproof calculations, hunch, consolidated belief, Ahmed will join the BJP this yearend,” disclosed/analysed his family friend from his ancestral Bharuch in Gujarat. “AhmedBhai is already working all out for the BJP and its successes all through the Gujarat state especially among the Muslims there. They are finding it extremely alluring to join the BJP under the patronage of Ahmed Patel. AhmedBhai has succeeded in convincing them that Congress has no future for them. Their present itself is awful because of the Congress’ wrong policies. Modi, BJP, Shah are million times better than the Congress.”
Adds BJP-friend of Ahmed Patel matter-of-factly : “AhmedBhai undoubtedly looks cool, composed, calculated player but in Gujarat, he is a firebrand. He is a product of Youth Congress. Naturally, the fire in him remains. He presently is using that fire in him for the benefit of the BJP, thanks to full patronage to him for that from Narendra ModiJee himself ably assisted by astute, politically repeatedly proven Amit ShahJee.”
There are strong reports percolating in the capital that there are specific examples of Ahmed Patel’s present closeness with Gujarat Chief Minister AnandiBen Patel at the instance of Modi who wants Ahmed Patel to be BJP’s Muslim-Face in Gujarat and spread all over the country. Patel‘s’ — Ahmed, Anandi — have formulated blue prints on minutest ways to rope in the Guajarat state’s Muslim populace of all hues including Muslim riches, parvenus,… Even AICC Secretary, former Gujarat MP, Irshad Beg Mirza, succinctly synonymous with Ahmed Patel hardly goes to Congress office in 24 Akbar Road but is a regular frequenter in BJP offices inSaraspur Char Rasta, Saiyad Naidu Jouddin Sahid Marg, Kadiawad, Saraspur, Ahmedabad. Observers regularly see him engaged in deep conversations with Gujarat BJP President R. C. Faldu, party Vice Presidents Kaushikbhai Patel, I. K. Jadeja, Shambhuprasad Baldevdasji Tundaiya, MP, Ramilaben Bara, Jayshriben K. Patel (MP), Mayurikaben Jadh. Relevantly, they and all others of the Gujarat BJP are all lustily praise for AhmedBhai (Ahmed Patel), his bumchum Irshad Beg Mirza and their associates comprising Muslims only. Hindus are strictly no-no for them.
Confesses BJP Vice-President wishing to remain unnamed for obvious reasons : “ AhmedBhai+IrshadBhai have unique knack of successfully cajoling, coaxing Muslims into the BJP fold. We don’t have that quality. They speak the Muslims’ lingo which facilitates the Muslims to cross over to the BJP lock, stock and barrel. It is deeply, openly, officially appreciated/approved/cheered/encour-aged/encouraged by the National BJP President AmitBhai Shah, Prime Minister NarendnraBhai Modi, Gujarat BJP President (R C) FalduBhai. They want Muslims in the state (as elsewhere in the country as well) to be really integral part and parcel of the BJP in the state.”
Ahmed Patel, as far as his bossism in the Congress is concerned, continues to wield his whip of superiority among the partymen who of course do not have any “fear” of him now as they have come to know of his duplicate personality and they hold him singularly responsible for the Congress washout in Parliament Elections, subsequent assembly elections, and now, Delhi elections. His political advices, political manoeuvrings, political manipulations, political moves actually benefit the BJP and not, the Congress in any way. His Cash-for-Votes success during UPA Government may have damaged Congress a lot but it did immense benefit to the BJP. It became evident as days — before reaching month — went by. His another great supporter is Union Minister Najma Heptullah whose “guest” he was in the ‘90s in Meena Bagh flat. She intensified his links with Modi and Company. Najma Heptullah herself, so mighty impressed with Ahmed Patel, patronized — as she has been doing so since AhmedBhai’s Indian Youth Congress days — him to become cose confidante to NarendraBhai. BJP National Vice President SatyaPal Malik, known to Ahmed Patel since 1984, also helped him become close to Modi and his associates of all hues. For all practical reasons/issues/available proofs, Ahmed Patel is neck deep in the BJP as is his confidante Irshad beg Mirza.
Does the Gujarat BJP need anything more?