In an exclusive, detailed interview with SOUMITRA BOSE, BJP’s West Bengal unit President Rahul Sinha answers questions no-holds-barred. Interesting (being clear concept entity) personality, Sinha through his answers admitted that ‘tomorrow’ — perhaps, even today — belongs to the BJP in West Bengal what with the state’s all people lending whole-hearted support to it spontaneously in the absence of corruption-free, result-giving, people’s aspirations-fulfilling, state’s development-doing State Government what with Trinamool Congress+Mamata Banerjee fully condemned, corruption-ridden, defalcations-involved, non-performing, flippant-n-flimsy-n-foppish.
Q:Now that people of (West) Bengal have forcibly suffered CPI(M)+Left Front for 34 years, helplessly tolerated Trinamul Congress and are presently fully disillusioned, frustrated, do You agree that it is high time for the BJP to hold mantle of administration of the state to provide much needed relief to the completely crest fallen people of the state?
A: Bigger issue is that common People rejected CPM’s misrule and posed faith in TMC in 2011, even BJP voter also voted for TMC to throw CPM out of power. Anti-incumbency wave was very high and people wanted to see CPM out of power at any cost and didn’t bother whom they are bringing. For them CPM exit was most important. Later on people realized within one year of TMC government that their expectation of change in govt. is not going to fulfill their aspiration. TMC adapted the CPM way of governance by muscle power, spreading terror of cadres, in fact CPM cadres have only changed sides. In reality there was no change of government, it was the only change of party color in the end.
Once CPM red terror wiped out the industry from Bengal and now TMC is using extortion to finish the industry in west Bengal. CPM used violence to rule Bengal, TMC is also doing the same, CPM politicize the police and used them as party cadre, and TMC is also doing the same. TMC has undertaken Police administration under its party fold, the way TMC cadres are attacking police it shows that Police can’t save themselves then how can they protect the common people of west Bengal. Police is helpless and can’t file FIR for their own. It seems common people need to protect police in coming days.
There is also rise in atrocities against Women in West Bengal. Farmers too are not satisfied and not getting the fair price of their crops. Industry is facing the extortion from TMC cadres and could not grow in such a hostile environment.
CPM has gifted one crore unemployed youth to West Bengal. There was never a plan of action to produce jobs for them. Though CPM is gone but their governance is still there in the name of TMC. People expected change in government will bring the change for them but all their expectation are going in drain.
Q: How will BJP provide relief to the people of the Bengal state and how will BJP do the state’s all round development.
A: BJP is the last hope for people of Bengal and if BJP also fails to govern the state similar as CPM & TMC then people will lose faith in the system. There could be repetition of failed party again but there will be no new party who can work on aspiration of people. BJP has lot of responsibility towards common people, as I said earlier people are giving more support to BJP compare to our own strength. Similarly there are more expectation from BJP and big challenges are waiting for us. We are honored to accept the challenge as people are providing their support to me and party. People are excited to join BJP and ready to take responsibility, giving me lots of confidence that we can successfully meet the challenge. In coming days, we are preparing our self mentally to meet the challenge. We are not seeking support by only giving slogan of removing TMC as only removing of TMC will not solve the problem but at the same time we are trying to project our self as real alternative of good governance. We are working on solution in areas of Agriculture, Industry, Education, Women empowerment & Unemployment.
We will put our solution as an alternative. We will also engage common people, domain expert and political leadership to design the consolidated vision document for the future of Bengal. Our vision document will serve the purpose of providing direction to the future BJP government in West Bengal.
We have also announced that all kinds of development is directly depending after achieving the peace. Without law order and peace there can’t be any development. In-Discipline and miscreants are part of culture since the CPM era, there is no respect for law and order. We need to break the existing work culture which is ongoing from the CPM days that one can take bribe and need not to work and just need to be part of political worker of ruling political party. We need to finish this culture.
Peace, Law and Order and Work culture are 3 pillars for development. We need to adapt the same work culture like the best in the world. We should not waste any single working day as its effecting overall productivity and economic development of state. There are millions of unemployed youth here because nobody is interested to continue their agricultural work. 70% people are working in agriculture for their livelihood and their disinterest could lead us into big problem. There is no benefit for them to continue, selling land and migrating to urban areas for job is an easy option. Imagine this many farmers are also joining the already existing list of millions of unemployed youth can lead us into disaster situation in west Bengal.
Q: Narendra ModiJee’s Ektaa Party, BJP, Ektaa Proshaashon, Shobbaar Oonnotee, Shobaar Development, BharatVorsher Oonnotee : How far will BJP be able to realize it in Bengal?
A; We need double way traffic system to make sure that agriculture is beneficial, creating new direct markets for farmers to remove middleman and to make agriculture as an attractive option. We also need to build new cold storages to safeguard perishable agricultural products. We need to increase the productivity by providing quality fertilizer, seed and improved irrigation facilities. We are not able to provide the facility to use the multiple crop land as well as also need to convert simple agricultural land to multi crop land to increase the overall productivity. There was a seed scam in CPM era and same is also happening now in TMC govt. We should make sure that farmers get the quality seeds for their agriculture crop. We also need to develop agro based industry, if we can do this then youth of village can get job near his home and agricultural land. This will reduce the transportation cost and labor cost in overall production. We will focus on food processing industry and same can be set up in that particular area. For an example, Malda Mango is famous and if food processing industry can be set up in Malda only then employment will be generated, income will crease and state will also gain financially.
We can also export items from food processing unit. This way we can develop agro based industry and encourage 70% people of west Bengal to engage in agriculture.
We also want to spread Micro small, Medium and Small Industry all over the Bengal. We know that some places of Bengal are famous at international level for handicrafts, clay art and metal items, for an example like Purulia Mask which is famous all over the world and can get good price for our people. Bamboo industry can also bring foreign currency to state exchequer. We need to focus on small scale industry to encourage youth to become entrepreneur and become job provider instead of job seeker. Along with this, we need to create positive environment for Heavy and Medium industry. We also need to develop land for industrial use. We need to create land bank and while creating land bank need to make sure that required infrastructure is in place like roads, electricity and abundant water for the industry. CPM never provided the required infrastructure and environment for the growth of Industry. They were only looking to extort money from businessman by reigning Red terror, similarly TMC is also doing the same. Nobody is ready to come and set up industry in West Bengal because of extortion. We have seen the lockout of industry one by one during CPM rule, same lockout story is going on in TMC ruling also. They are building multi storied building in lockout factory which will bring disaster for West Bengal. We firmly believe to re-open the lockout industry and studying how that can be achieved. For an example Tea industry of West Bengal has contributed to state exchequer, likewise Jute Industry has also contributed in big time, we could see that now Tea Industry is almost died and Jute industry is almost vanished from the landscape of West Bengal. In North Bengal, particularly in Jalpaiguri & Coochbehar, Tobacco industry maintained their dominance, we can further boost the growth of Tobacco industry by providing opportunity to export to earn foreign exchequer. It’s clearly evident that no state government has earlier given any thought for industry, they are only working on single point of agenda to make money. Labor cost is less in WB, that’s big advantage in our state. Skilled labor is easily available in West Bengal and famous for their hard work. If we can de-politicize the labor and bring work culture among them then we can produce world class products with such skillful labor. West Bengal is place of revolutionaries and we can bring similar type of revolution in Industry too. Earlier government and present government was much bothered about politicization of labor union then to provide the required help to Industry to grow. We can set up the Industry hub and IT hub. We knew that West Bengal is best in producing the world class talent and West Bengal has capacity to become major export in the field of Software.
West Bengal is also big market for consumers of every kind. We have people who have high purchasing power as well as poor people. We can make Bengal as major trading hub and develop as Gateway of East India. We all knew that West Bengal is sharing an international border with 3 countries and Siliguri which enjoys the position as Chicken neck between Nepal, Bangladesh & Bhutan can be developed as major trading hub in North Bengal.
We are witnessing of migration of talent from West Bengal to look for an opportunity outside West Bengal. We can produce the positive environment and confident of building West Bengal as major education hub like Bangalore, Pune & Chennai. Our Medical talent has migrated outside West Bengal & India for better opportunity, if provided environment for Medical Industry, our doctors will stay back and will be instrumental in developing West Bengal as major place for providing treatment of every kind. People won’t travel to Vallore anymore, in fact people from all over India will travel to WB for treatment.
In recent visit, Shri Nitin Gadkari ji, Central Transport & Shipping Minister announced that there will be 3rd port in Sagardip after Calcutta port and Haldia port. Development of Port and increasing facilities could be game changer in providing the opportunity for industry with the better co-ordination between state government and Central government. Port plays an important role of increasing the trade between 2 countries. Nepal and Bhutan is using West Bengal ports for their import export. Ganga is the longest river of India and source of water for West Bengal, I believe we can set up water transport routes between Bengal and other states as that will minimize the cost of transportation.
West Bengal can be promoted as major tourist places in all over the world. We have Himalayan Mountains, forests, historical places and Oceans. Places like Darjeeling, Digha, Berhampore, Coocehbehar, Dooars & Sunderban can be promoted to contribute to employment and state exchequer.
Roads is another area where lots of work can be done, besides 1-2 roads, Bengal is infamous for road infrastructure. I am confident that without corruption and with commitment, projects can be speed up.
There is politics in administration and every aspect of governance. I firmly believe that without politicizing administration along with fearless governance. We need to save West Bengal from culture of political violence. Fearless Bengal won’t take much time to become developed Bengal with firm law and order.
Q: Since you are the State BJP President, how do you see the party’s membership, popularity in the State’s deep interiors and also in Muslim dominated areas?
A: There is bigger challenge for BJP in West Bengal compare to our capacity. When I took as State President, that time membership was 75k and before the new membership drive began 3 months back, our membership was at 8.5 Lacs. We could not make everyone member at that point of time, Once the new membership campaign through mobile is launched, our target is 1 crore BJP member in West Bengal. We have won 2 LS seats, never had any MLA of our own in State assembly, we won the by-poll election by our own first time history after tough fight as in-general it’s assumed that present government enjoys the advantage of administration and win the by-poll easily but we have won with people’s support.
BJP has occupied the main political space in heart of common people. People from all walks of life whether someone is farmer, youth student, women or labor joining BJP without thinking of caste and creed.
We are also witnessing the trend that even though Muslims are not joining BJP in great numbers in other part of India but their interest in West Bengal is making opposition nervous. We are the first one to open the eyes of Muslims that CPM, Congress and TMC has only used them as vote bank and never worked for their development. Other parties had cheated Muslims for vote bank. BJP has never ruled West Bengal and still Muslims are backward, poor and unemployed which shows how other so called secular parties have exploited them for their own benefit. Muslims are backward in education, mostly unemployed and patients of skin diseases. We have said the reason that Madrasah education may make you good Imam but could not make you Doctor, Engineer, DM and SP, reason why we don’t see too many Muslims in high ranks of government jobs. Other political parties have only looted their vote in the name of religion and never wanted them to educate. They knew that if Muslims get education and become rich then they couldn’t be used as vote bank anymore. BJP is the only party that treat Muslim as citizen of India and not to treat them as voter. Muslims also believe that BJP is the only party which does not make any difference and work for the economically backward people.
Everyone is ready and excited for BJP, whether Educated youth, housewife, Serviceman and Businessman or Muslims from village or City, all of them know that BJP is the last hope to save and develop Bengal. Modi ji is taking entire country in the path of growth whereas TMC government is taking Bengal backwards. We are putting question in front of people whether Bengal can still be backward when entire country is going ahead on the path of Development.
Q: If Assembly Elections are held in the State today, will BJP win hands down and form Government in Nabanna on its own?
A: TMC is all set to go out of West Bengal. CPM’s anti-socials mainly joined the TMC after government formation and they are trying their best to loot the vote of common people by Booth capturing and terrorizing voters. Result of by poll at Basirhat and Chowringhee have proved them wrong that anti-social can’t change the final verdict of people. Central BJP government will make sure to conduct free and fair assembly election in 2016. I am confident that if there is an election today TMC will surely lose and won’t be able to return to power. I am saying in my public meeting about 2016 elections and people are telling me that we need not to wait for 2016 and surely there will be an election in 2015 itself. People are more ready then compare to BJP today to throw this government out of power. People will vote for BJP to bring in power. I can sense the sentiment of people in all my public meetings where people are turning up in huge numbers. People don’t want to be associated with TMC anymore. After the arrest of State Transport Minister, TMC’s planned protest didn’t get any support from Sporting fraternity. Students also did not join, at last TMC workers also deserted the party’s planned protest. TMC has to withdraw after they didn’t get any support from their own party workers. I could see same sequence of events in present government which I have witnessed at the exit period of CPM govt. CPM was using foul language at that time, similarly CM WB along with Ministers is also using foul language and getting into personal attacks. TMC MLA, MP and ministers want to come out and join BJP in large number and there could be explosive breakup in TMC anytime and could lead to fall of TMC government like pack of cards and entire party will be wiped out from the political landscape of WB for forever. I feel that we may have to go to election well before 2016 for the same reason. In election Trinamul is sure to lose and BJP will come into power.
Q: In which areas BJP needs to strengthen more to lap up the State’s Janta Janardan of all hues in the BJP’s favor?
A: I accept we are not very strong compare to liking for the BJP from the common people. We are not that much organized now but we will be conducting training for BJP workers and leadership to make them ready for upcoming challenges ahead on aspects such as economics and governance. We are getting our self be ready so that we can govern the West Bengal in true sense.
I saw major minus points in present and earlier government of WB was ignorance. There was no planning and unorganized government pushed government several years back. Top leadership should work speedily for the benefit of common people. It’s very important that government work should reach to the lowest level and feedback of work should reach back to government. This can be achieved with serious thoughts and required study.
We are using Social Media to reach people and exchange ideas of BJP. Our reach is most compared to any other political party. We have decided to set up People’s court through Social media. Till now only leader used to say but there was no mechanism where people can raise their voice. We want to give more power to the voice of people. We will also use Mobile network to reach people, it has also become simple as one can become member of BJP only through mobile now.
Q: When are You likely to take BJP’s National Leaders to Bengal to show to the State’s people that they are as much important to BJP as others in the country? How will BJP become a household name in the entire Bengal state?
A: Shri Sidhathnath Singh, Observer West Bengal is working closely with us and completely involved from Centre side. Shri Amit Shah ji, National President has decided to visit West Bengal once in month, So I believe people of Bengal know very well that they are very important to Central leadership. Our National president has put up very straight that party will remain focus till we form the government as this will be our true acknowledgement of sacrifices made by Syama Prasad Mookerji by forming government in West Bengal.
We have started to reach every booth, adopted a program that all leaders have to go back to booth to boost the membership program for 2 days. They need to reach common people and make them understand about the work of BJP. I believe, this will inspire our workers to go to booth level when they will see the top leadership is also working at booth level. We want to exchange ideas at booth level through booth level through handbill, word of mouth or books. At the same time, will of the people should also reach to top leadership from booth with the help of worker.
Q: Reports in the Centre are that the people of Bengal en masse are keen to see Narendra Modi initiates his Modi-magic in Bengal so that the people therein side with him lock, stock and barrel. How are You translating that into actual reality?
A: We will put our solution as an alternative. We will also engage common people, domain expert and political leadership to design the future vision document for Bengal. Vision document will direct the future of Bengal.
We have also announced that all kinds of development is directly depending after achieving the peace. Without law order and peace there can’t be any development. Indiscipline and miscreants has become part of culture since the CPM era. We need to break the existing work culture which is ongoing from the CPM days that one can take bribe and need not to work and just need to be part of political worker of ruling political party. We need to finish this system.
Peace, Law and Order and Work culture. We need to adapt the same work culture like the best in the world. We should not waste any single working day as its effecting overall productivity and economic development of the state. There are millions of unemployed youth here because nobody is interested to continue their agriculture. 70% people are working in agriculture for their livelihood and their disinterest could lead us into big disaster. There is no benefit for them to continue, selling land and migrating to urban areas for job. Imagine this many farmers are also joining the already existing list of millions of unemployed youth can lead us into disaster situation in west Bengal.
Q: Is the BJP outrage against Mamata Banerjee adequate or slow? From New Delhi, it seems, Bengal BJP should further intensify its movements, stir against Mamata Banerjee so that she is forced to adhere to BMB (Bhaag Mamata Bhaag) and CMC (Chhod Mamata Chhod). Do You agree?
A: Poor People are not only losing their money in Saradha chit fund and other cheat funds but CM WB is also directly getting involved in scams. These charges on CM are being made by not opposition but MP from her own party in open and claimed that CM has got the most financial benefit. CM WB is now in middle of question on Corruption resulted to open her mask of honesty. TMC cadres are not able to put hoarding and banner anymore on moral grounds. TMC is depending on one personality, people went with TMC by just looking on one personality and when same personality is now using foul language, showing bad culture and corruption. People are shocked and pained, from last 18 months people are getting prepared to bring change after completion of 18 months of TMC led government. People are now looking for an alternative of TMC, and as BJP is the only party which has never governed west Bengal and probably the last hope for Bengal in current political scenario.
Q:Why and how Mamata Banerjee is same like CPI(M)-Left Front in terms of ineffective governance, maladministration, malaise, maleficent Chief Minister?
A: There are majorly 4 political parties in West Bengal namely BJP, CPM, TMC and Congress and smaller parties which have little influence on some pockets. People have seen the ruling of Congress in past and also the Congress led central government, provided them enough reason to not to see their face again in future. CPM ruled 34 years in West Bengal and in their rule they have destructed education, respect and culture of West Bengal. People of Bengal hate CPM to the core and don’t want to see them back in power again. TMC came in power on such high anti-incumbency and people did expect lot from TMC on terms of peace compare to administration and development, they were not looking for best in terms of administration, but the way TMC got involved in Corruption and terror politics, gave lot of pain to common people, who brought so called icon of truth Mamata Banerjee famously known to lead a simple life by wearing Flip-flops, the way She and her party got involved in Sardha Scam. Her own party man is saying that if someone who have got the most financial benefit of Saradha is none other than CM West Bengal. Transport Minister of TMC led government is now in Jail for the Saradha scam. People of Bengal expected CM WB to be at least honest and won’t get involve in corruption to loot money of common people like CPM.
Q: Do you see President’s Rule in the Bengal state in the coming days? Why?
A: I can’t foresee the future but I can say we are not demanding President’s rule in West Bengal. I strongly believe that TMC government will fall by its own as it has lost all its credibility to govern in the eyes of common people. As I have said earlier that it’s not only common people even TMC workers, MLA, MP and ministers are deserting the ruling party. We also believe that democratically elected government should be thrown out by the same people who elected the government. People have the last say in democracy.
Q: Why BJP in the Bengal state is keeping “quiet” on the total break down of law and order, administration, governance in the Bengal State? From Centre, it seems Bengal BJP is yet to go all out against Mamata Banerjee, her Trinamul Congress, her corrupt Ministers, defalcating MLAs, her misappropriation-specialising kith and kin? Is it true?
For the first time people of Bengal have developed deep liking for BJP. As Bengal BJP President, how are You encashing it in favour of the BJP in view of the future?
A: Khagragarh blast proves the failure of state government. State govt. initially claimed this blast as cylinder blast but with the movement of BJP, they changed it to petty bomb blast. State BJP made national issue out of this and resulted into Central government’s decision to involve NIA into investigation of Bomb blast.
CM WB never wanted NIA to investigate Khagragarh blast and didn’t co-operate. Reason is clear because TMC workers was directly linked with terrorist. Bomb blast does not differentiate between Hindu- Muslim. Some Madrasahs may be involved into producing terrorist and hub of terrorist activities but not all of them are involved in same. Few Muslims are involved with foreign terrorist group but majority of them have no link with terrorist activities. Security of common people is prime and Nation comes first. TMC wanted to sympathize with the Muslims to play vote bank politics but you can see that after General elections, 5 BJP workers murdered in political clash between TMC-BJP and all of them were Muslims. 5 BJP workers died in 5 different incidents shows that Muslims are giving their life for the BJP. Such support is giving sleepless nights to TMC. Muslims constitutes 30% as voter for WB, TMC believe that 24% Muslim voters are with them so there is no reason to fear common people resulting to ignorance for common people. Once Muslims started deserting TMC, they realized that games will be over soon for them. 3 things are bothering TMC at this point of time, First BJP’s rising graph of popularity by each passing day, Second CBI’s investigation of Saradha scam top to bottom level and third Muslims who were core voters for TMC deserting them for BJP.