JaiRam Ramesh Analysed ANOTHER BRUTUS


By Soumitra Bose/Mukesh Kumar Sinha

300 BC (Before the Birth of Christ) has come alive methodically, superciliously (behaving or looking as though one thinks one is superior to others),  

strategically, (pre)determinedly in the All India Congress Committee — or, Congress, Indian National Congress, or, 24 Akbar Road — surprising innumerable insiders when they are being virtually forced to interact blow-by-blow with Congress’ 2015 Kautilya (or, Kautilya Chanakya, Chanakya or Vishnugupta) for all Ws+H (why, what, when, who, where, how) JaiRam Ramesh who’s already seen, assessed, fully fathomed by 99.9% Congressmen all over the country as being abundantly responsible for Congress getting lowest ever seats in 2014 Parliament Elections. (Post 1989 Parliament Elections’ results announcements if the Congress from being absolute majority party in Parliament in pre-’89 elections, abysmally failed to win basic minimum seats to form elementary Government in the Raisina Hill, it was because of then only English-speaking, Hindi-detesting self-publicised Economist with nom de plume Kautilya JaiRam Ramesh’s evoking anger among all Congress High-n-Mighty, middle and lower rung partymen  all through the country in the blatant pretext of Rajiv Gandhi wished so. (Interestingly, it was never enquired into). Result: Congress was not assisted by the then party leaders, it failed to form Government in the Centre…More of JaiRam Ramesh’s flagrant machinations to keep Congress out-of-power later somewhere here).

Now what he practices is always booting Congressmen of all hues (best illustrated by this nonagenarian Gandhi-family confidante attached with the family’s now 3 generations in a row) , thanks to his constant name-dropping taking names of Congress Vice-President Rahul Gandhi, Congress President Sonia Gandhi, “Kal-ka-Congress President Priyanka Gandhi Vadra”, their kith and kin including DLF/Rajiv Talwar/Pia Singh etc. (Interestingly, majority of the alleged land scandal stories relating to Priyanka Vadra emanated from this Gandhi/Vadra-confidante).

He remains unfazed, unruffled, unmoved because he’s the closest to 10 Janpath specializing in its drafting, letter-writing, Parliament-question preparing, political-dope giving, political strategy preparing, message transferring etc like ‘all purpose/for all occassions’ 1-man confidante’. His anti-Congress deeds thus are under lid all the time. In 24 Akbar Road, partymen from all over the country seriously wonder  of what real use is JaiRam Ramesh. They have no courage to ask any one. Party’s office bearers  are surrendered  to him.

They watch him silently. They wait for the right opportunity to strike at him.

JaiRam meanwhile remains fully engrossed fulfilling his Kautilya/Chanakya/VishnuGupta role for what only he knows. Strong rumblings openly suggest that being close to the BJP/Congress/NCP/Trinamool Congress/Left/Janata Pariwar, he will soon stake his claim for Prime Ministership for himself. Intriguingly, he has congenital supporters among top rung leaders in above parties who, it is widely stated, whenever needed, will stand by him, so deeply enamoured they are with him, thanks to his “impeccable PR of all hues” with them since ‘80s.

Presently, he is repolishing his Kautilya/Chanakya/VishnuGupta prowess to the fullest/minutest perfection so that he does not falter in any way in the coming days (?).

These he is further perfecting : “The arrow shot by the archer may or may not kill a single person. But stratagems devised by wise men can kill even babes in the womb.”

“As long as your body is healthy and under control and death is distant, try to save your soul; when death is immanent what can you do?”

“for in the absence of a magistrate (dandadharabhave), the strong will swallow the weak; but under his protection, the weak resist the strong.”

“Education is the best friend. An educated person is respected everywhere. Education beats the beauty and the youth.”

He is virtuoso in these : The Arthasastra by Chanakya is a 2500-year-old masterpiece on governance and politics. Here are the pdfs of the book in English, Hindi and Sanskrit.

Kautilya’s Arthashastra

2 Table of Contents Book I, “Concerning Discipline” …………………………………………………….. 3 Book II, “The Duties of Government Superintendents” ………………….. 60 Book III, “Concerning Law” ……………………………………………………….. 213 Book IV, “The Removal of Thorns”……………………………………………… 285 Book V, “The Conduct of Courtiers” …………………………………………… 336 Book VI: The Source of Sovereign States…………………………………….. 362 Book VII, “The End of the Six-Fold Policy” …………………………………… 370 Book VIII: Concerning Vices and Calamities…………………………………. 467 Book IX, “The Work of an Invader” …………………………………………….. 490 Book X, “Relating to War”…………………………………………………………. 521 Book XI, “The Conduct of Corporations” …………………………………….. 541 Book XII, “Concerning a Powerful Enemy” ………………………………….. 547 Book XIII, “Strategic Means to Capture a Fortress”………………………. 563 Book XIV, “Secret Means”…………………………………………………………. 584 Book XV, “The Plan of a Treatise”………………………………………………. 607

Over to Jairam Ramesh during Rajiv Gandhi Pime Ministership : In 1987, Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi appointed Sam Pitroda (“fluke extraordinaire” according to all then) advisor to the Prime Ministor on National Technology Missions. Together, Pitroda and his advisor JaiRam Ramesh  decided these missions would focus on five critical areas:

  • Drinking water
  • Immunizations
  • Literacy
  • Oil seeds
  • Telecommunications

They later added a sixth:

  • Dairy production

Mission goals : The missions’ specific goals were as follows:

  1. Make clean potable water available to 100,000 problem villages in the amount of 40 liters a day per person and 30 liters a day per head of livestock.
  2. Immunize 20-million pregnant woman and 20-million children per year.
  3. Teach 80-million people ages 15-35 (75% of the adult illiterate) to read and write at the rate of 10-million each year.
  4. Increase oilseed production by as much as 18-million tons and reduce, eliminate, or reverse India’s annual 10-billion rupee import bill for edible oils.
  5. Increase dairy production from 44- to 61-million metric tons per year over eight years, raise dairy employment and incomes, and expands the number of dairy cooperatives by 42%.
  6. Improve service, dependability, and accessibility of telecommunications across the county, including rural areas.


Drinking water :The drinking water mission identified 100,000 problem villages. Research was done, using geohydrological mapping, to determine where to drill new wells, increasing water sources.

Many villages had some water, but did not have access to clean water. Water was tested in labs, and official standards of quality and quantity were established.

The mission also included an effort to educate people how to repair broken pumps when they broke. Before, when pumps broke, they usually stayed broken due to lack of local knowhow. Easy to understand repair manuals were distributed in each of India’s fifteen languages, and later made available online.


Immunizations : In 1987, India had the highest amount of polio in the world. The mission met with top immunization experts decided to begin immunizing the country using an oral vaccine. As a live virus vaccine, the oral version had to be refrigerated. They developed a cold chain for handling the vaccines with industrialists to get refrigeration to all parts of India.

The mission also launched India’s polio vaccine production capacity. In 1987, India had zero production capacity. With government backing, they began to study France and Russia’s methods. Several years later, India was producing all of their own vaccines.

25 years later, in 2013, India was declared polio-free albeit with doubts.


Literacy : When the Technology Missions began, India’s literacy rate was around 50%. Several hundred million adults were illiterate, most of them women.

The mission had the dual focus of motivating people (adults in particular) to learn, and providing materials and teachers.

In 1999, they were awarded UNESCO’S NOMA Literacy Prize.


Oilseeds (edible oils) : India was importing one billion dollars of cooking oils each year, when large portions of Indian land are well suited to growing oil crops. Farmers did not grow these crops because they found other crops were more profitable. This was causing India costly economic situation.

Their goal was to make farmers see the benefits of planting oilseeds.

Kurian, who handled buffer stocks, described his plan as such: “We move into areas where there is gross exploitation and try to restructure the marketing system so that the small producer is not fleeced by middlemen or the oil kings.”

Once the intervention on oil was complete, India was exporting oil cakes at the rate of 600 million per year.


Telecommunication : Pitroda had  always been closely involved (so’s what he drillingly claimed) with the telecom development in India.

The official goal of the telecom mission was to improve service, dependability, and accessibility of telecommunications across the county, including rural areas. This was through indigenous development, local young talent, rural telecom, digital switching networks, local manufacturing and privatization.


Dairy :The goal of the dairy mission was to develop and implement technologies to improve breeding, animal health, and fodder and milk production.


INFERENCE: In 2015, today, is there any change is these? None. Yes, In 1989, post Parliament Elections, Rajiv Gandhi (entire bureaucracy then worked against his defeat because angering them, he appointed JaiRam Ramesh straightaway as Joint Secretary in Government in which then step-by-step limped promotion was order of the day; straightaway Joint Secretary appointee, none had heard of it then)  did not have sufficient number of MPs to form Government. He went into Opposition never to become PM again. Now…over to Rahul Gandhi (thanks to JaiRam Ramesh)…

On to JaiRam Ramesh blooming “Ram, Ram, Satya Hai” — In 1978, Jairam Ramesh joined the World Bank for a short assignment. He returned to India in December 1979 and worked as assistant to economist Lovraj Kumar at the Bureau of Industrial Costs and Prices. From 1983 to 1985 he was Officer on Special Duty in the Advisory Board of Energy. He then worked in the Planning Commission (advisor to Abid Hussain), Ministry of Industry and other economic departments of the Central Government, including: analysing energy policy during 1983–85, reorganising the CSIR in 1986 and implementing technology missions during 1987–89.

In 1990, he worked as an “Officer on Special Duty” during the National Front administration of the V.P. Singhgovernment. He reorganised India’s international trade agencies in 1990 and was advisor to the Prime Minister in 1991. In 1991 he worked in Manmohan Singh’s finance ministry in the Narasimha Rao administration.[4]

Ramesh participated in India’s economic reforms in 1991 and 1997. He was advisor to the Deputy Chairman of thePlanning Commission in 1992–94, served on special mission to Jammu and Kashmir during 1993–95 and was advisor to Finance Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram between 1996–98. The central government invited him to join the official delegation to the World Trade Organization meeting in Seattle in 1999.

From 2000–2002, Ramesh served as Deputy chairman, State Planning Board, Government of Karnataka and on the Economic Advisory Council of Andhra Pradesh. He also served on the eminent persons group of the Union Ministry of Power and other key government committees.

Ramesh also served as Secretary in the All India Congress Committee, Deputy Chairman of the Karnataka Planning Board (2000–2002), member of the Rajasthan Development Council (1999–2003), and Economic Advisor to the government of the state of Chhattisgarh (2001–03). He was a member of the Congress Party’s electoral strategy team for the 2004 Lok Sabha cycle.

In June 2004, he was elected to represent Adilabad District, Andhra Pradesh in the Rajya Sabha. Following the formation of the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government in 2004, he joined the National Advisory Council, where he helped put together UPA’s National Common Minimum Program. From August 2004 – January 2006 he was a member of three committees of Parliament: the Public Accounts Committee, the Standing Committee on Finance and the Committee on Government Assurances and was a member of the Court of the Jawaharlal Nehru University.  …Alarming Bell?


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