In what is being widely termed worldwide as Prime Ministerial duties perfected in spite of worst odds — global scenarios included — against him, his Prime Ministerhsip, Narendra DamodarDas Modi earns sheer kudos, accolades worldwide, in its all organizations, cliques, set-ups, groups, federations, chambers etc. Just why? Read On :
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Three key achievements :
* Financial Inclusion – 12.5 crores families financially mainstreamed in 100 days.
* Transparent Coal Block auctions to augment resources of the States.
* Swachh Bharat is not only a programme to improve hygiene and cleanliness but has become a movement to regenerate India.
* Game changing reforms on the anvil: . Goods and Service Tax (GST) . Jan Dhan, Aadhar and Mobile (JAM) – for direct benefit transfer.
* Inflation declined – a structural shift * CPI inflation projected at 5% by the end of the year, consequently, easing of monetary policy. * Monetary Policy Framework Agreement with RBI, to keep inflation below 6%. * GDP growth in 2015-16, projected to be between 8 to 8.5%.
Amrut Mahotsav – The year 2022, 75th year of Independence
Vision for “Team India” led by PM
* Housing for all – 2 crore houses in Urban areas and 4 crore houses in Rural areas.
* Basic facility of 24×7 power, clean drinking water, a toilet and road connectivity.
* At least one member has access to means for livelihood.
* Substantial reduction in poverty.
* Electrification of the remaining 20,000 villages including off-grid Solar Power- by 2020.
* Connecting each of the 1,78,000 un-connected habitation.
* Providing medical services in each village and city.
* Ensure a Senior Secondary School within 5 km reach of every child, while improving quality of education and learning outcomes.
* To strengthen rural economy – increase irrigated area, improve the efficiency of existing irrigation systems, and ensure value addition and reasonable price for farm produce.
* Ensure communication connectivity to all villages.
To make India, the manufacturing hub of the World through Skill India and the Make in India Programmes.
* Encourage and grow the spirit of entrepreneurship – to turn youth into job creators.
* Development of Eastern and North Eastern regions on par with the rest of the country.
Major Challenges Ahead
* Five major challenges: Agricultural income under stress, increasing investment in infrastructure, decline in manufacturing, resource crunch in view of higher devolution in taxes to states, maintaining fiscal discipline.
* To meet these challenges public sector needs to step in to catalyse investment, make in india programme to create jobs in manufacturing, continue support to programmes with important national priorities such as agriculture, education, health, MGNREGA, rural infrastructure including roads.
* Challenge of maintaining fiscal deficit of 4.1% of GDP met in 2014-15, despite lower nominal GDP growth due to lower inflation and consequent sub-dued tax buoyancy.
Fiscal Roadmap
* Government firm on journey to achieve fiscal target of 3% of GDP.
* Realistic figures shown in fiscal account without showing exaggerated revenue projections.
With improved economy, pressure to accelerate fiscal consolidation too has decreased.
* Accordingly, journey for fiscal deficit target of 3% will be achieved in 3 years rather than 2 years. The fiscal deficit targets are 3.9%, 3.5% and 3.0% in FY 2015-16, 2016-17 & 2017-18 respectively.
* Additional fiscal space will go to funding infrastructure investment.
* Need to view public finances from a National perspective and not just the perspective of the Central Government. Aggregate public expenditure of the Governments, as a whole can be expected to rise substantially.
* Disinvestment to include both disinvestment in loss making units, and some strategic disinvestment.
Good governance
* Need to cut subsidy leakages, not subsidies themselves. To achieve this, Government committed to the process of rationalizing subsidies.
* Direct Transfer of Benefits to be extended further with a view to increase the number of beneficiaries from 1 crore to 10.3 crore.
* Major steps take to address the two major factors critical to agricultural production, that of soil and water.
* ‘Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana’ to be fully supported.
* ‘Pradhanmantri Gram Sinchai Yojana’ to provide ‘Per Drop More Crop’.
* Rs 5,300 crore to support micro-irrigation, watershed development and the ‘Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana’. States urged to chip in.
* Rs 25,000 crore in 2015-16 to the corpus of Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) set up in NABARD; Rs 15,000 crore for Long Term Rural Credit Fund; Rs 45,000 crore for Short Term Co-operative Rural Credit Refinance Fund; and Rs 15,000 crore for Short Term RRB Refinance Fund.
* Target of Rs 8.5 lakh crore of agricultural credit during the year 2015-16.
* Focus on improving the quality and effectiveness of activities under MGNREGA.
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