That Poshchim Bongo is now “pooropooreeprogoteer moddey pooropooree agroshor ebong neerontor oonnoteer moddey ontorgoto” is fully evident from the irrepressible West Bengal Mookkho Montree Momotaa “Didi” Banerjee’s ‘full grip’ in all sectors of the state that became incongruous, anachronous in 34 years’ listless, do-do, dumbo, lackadaisical, fully unimpressive, haphazard, anti-people governance of the CPI(M) led Left Front that if all was/still is fully anti-janata of the state. Couple that with no work in the state worth the name. No development of any kind. Established set-ups were forced to fold up. Industrialists were kicked out of the state. Businessmen were compelled to do slicking, kow-tow to the CPI(M) bosses. …Result : No development, collapse of all sectors, no work, no hope…Worse than Bihar so to say.
Today, it is a changed West Bengal or Poshcheem Bongo under Mamata Didi. She has considerably transformed the state wherein, masses can at least talk unlike in the CPM Raj. In it, the people were tracked of every movement of theirs and taken action on why they did so etc. It was ‘emergency’ all through in the entire state and in its every nook and corner. Ghetto also was mild in front of them. Literally CPI(M)+Left Front’s slaves were the people of the state.
They are not so today at all. Today, they talk freely. (The hangover of 34 years’ non-stop Left Front rule of course still remains; its evident in their parlances; there is a peculiar casualness in their conversations compared to their counterparts in UP, Maharahstra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telengana etc. There, they more often than not, do serious-talking for some time and in the rest of the time, they scuttlebutt. CPI(M)’s suppression, oppression of the people of the West Bengal state is still fully evident).
Nonetheless, the citizens of the Trinamool Congress-ruling state now are really freer than ever before in the 1970s, ‘80s. ‘90s, first decade of the 2000 and couple of years beyond that. This is evident in the people of all hues freely talking, exchanging pleasantries with each other, sharing banters, cracking jokes, recalling days/months/years that have gone by, double entendres, joie de vivre, mutual conversations, exchanging gifts, narrating incidents…sort of free atmosphere without the constant scare of “Big Brother” (read Jyoti Basu, Budddhadev Bhattacharya, Biman Bose, Ajay Biswas in place of Big Brother).
Chief Minister herself, despite her over-busy schedule/s, takes time out to interact with the Press/Mediain the same compound in the Circular Road where Jyoti Basu alone stayed and none in Delhi knew where he stayed. He ferried to-and-fro hand shake distance from/to Delhi Airport from there as “Johnny comes/goes as silently as Johnny Walker/Johnny Lever himself thereby all through his West Bengal Chief Ministership from 1977 to 2000-odd (or something like that), he remained invisible man to the capital’s Press/Media.
Mamata Didi, thankfully, has stalled that, transformed Circular Road premises into Banga Bhavan for all, by all, of all. It is here, she met the Press/Media amid ‘High Tea’ this fortnight. Informal chats later, she treated the Press/Media to snacks+“suave Darjeeling tea” or Coffee whoever wanted so. More relevantly, The West Bengal Chief Minister is now accessible unlike ever before. This is surely helping the state thrive on “exchange of informations is sheer power, sheer power in the national power circles fully tantamounts to benefit for the state which West Bengal needs desperately for its all round development, so to say”.
Secondly, Didi’s confidante-MP Sudip Bandyopadhyay needs special mention as he in the Parliament House loyally keeps ever inquisitive PressPeople/ MediaPeople engrossed with constructive conversations truly bearing positive ‘between the lines’. TC (Trinamool Congress) Rajya Sabha MP Derek O’Brien in his own inimitable ‘factual’ style keeps the Media Workers ‘informed’. Other MPs from the TC continue to lend their bit helping the newspeople pick up threads as lead. Its indeed interesting to see/feel that the MPs of West Bengal are a changed lot under Mamata Didi. She herself was different (from the Marxist MPs) and now she has successfully infused the same spirit in her party MPs. …West Bengal’s immediate+far flung future is sparklingly bright, observe national level observers.