The premier public sector BHEL is making big advances in developing new technology through vigorous research and development efforts that have helped the PSE to offer new products and systems which are globally competitive. Significant developments/improvements in engineering, processes and product covering various businesses like power, industry, transportation and transmission have taken place during recent months.
In today’s competitive business environment, it is important to offer new products & systems with latest technological features. BHEL is aligning its R&D framework and business strategy to provide reliable products which are not only cost-competitive but also have an edge in efficiency and performance. In-house Research and Development is extremely important for self-sustenance and growth in today’s challenging environment. The company has a strong engineering and R&D base for in-house development of indigenous technologies to address the market requirements.
BHEL has entered into technology collaboration agreement with leading global manufacturing and engineering companies. The company has successfully indigenised these technologies to meet the requirements of Indian customers and establish manufacturing facilities at its own works. Today, with sixteen ongoing collaborations, BHEL is focusing on successful adaptation and timely assimilation of these technologies. BHEL has transformed its R&D and innovation in a structured and focused manner through five pronged approach, consisting of Strategic Direction, Portfolio Management, Partnerships & Alliances, Knowledge Management and Enablers to address the strategic diversified growth.
Director (E, R&D) heads the R&D organizational structure of the Company, supported by Corporate Technology Management (CTM) at corporate level, which has been formed to strengthen engineering and R&D capabilities of BHEL in an integrated and focused manner so as to have strong capabilities in product development & engineering guided primarily by responsiveness to the ever-evolving market demands.
Each product group in the Units, has dedicated Research & Product Development (RPD) group well complemented by a centralized Corporate Research & Development Division at Hyderabad.
The Company has structured approach for strengthening R&D infrastructure, consisting of laboratories at Corporate R&D and manufacturing Units, Centres of Excellence, Specialized Research Institutes, etc., well equipped with state-of-the-art R&D infrastructure and benchmarked with the best in the world.
First time in India, designed, developed and manufactured Super Heater Safety Valve for Advanced Ultra Supercritical (AUSC) application. The detailed design document was vetted by EPRI, USA. Under this project, machining of Inconel 617 and Inconel 740 materials was established along with welding procedure. The assembly and functional testing of safety valve was completed successfully.
BHEL has developed Alloy 625 M turbine casings (Lower Half & Upper half). The Lower half casing is the world’s heaviest casting for Alloy 625 poured for any application (poured weight approx. 50 T). BHEL has proved its technical prowess for supply of quality Inconel castings for AUSC applications.
Fire Side Corrosion Test Rig (FSCTR) has been successfully commissioned at NTPC Dadri thermal Power plant. The facility will be in continuous operation for three years and generate technical data for evaluation of fire side corrosion & steam side oxidation of Inconel boiler tubes at 720°C.
Successfully designed, developed and tested direct drive compact and efficient 350 kW Permanent Magnet (PM) based Reserve Propulsion Motor & controller for strategic application. The developed motor has been subjected to 100 hrs endurance tests at full load & different partial loads and has passed the testing requirement as per IEC standards.
To achieve growth, BHEL is focusing to build and consolidate capabilities in the emerging and existing areas: There include Development of Advanced Ultra Super Critical (AUSC) Technology for Thermal Power Plants of future in consortium with NTPC and IGCAR, Development of indigenous technology to generate Methanol from high ash Indian coal and Advanced transmission systems like ±800 kV HVDC, 765 kV, 1200 kV Transmission systems/ products.
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