Just in Print FINDIng
It was a direct (booby) trap for Assassination of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Nepal last fortnight. Dazed, Home Ministry, Cabinet Secretariat, PMO, Intelligence officers seriously wonder how 2 SPG directors leading 2 sets of SPG personnel followed the Prime Minister in Kathmandu.
At first, the folly was overlooked since it was deliberate (on some’s part). The camouflage was so adroitly, dexterously timed, perfected that the ‘trap’ — 2 sets of SPG means modi in wide open to attack from all kinds including boooom from ground below — was ‘not there’. Even Nepal Bosses did not apprehend it. They say had they apprehended they would have pointed it to the ‘pm’ immediately. They would have suggested him alternate routes in kathmandu. Nothing of that happened as, already mentioned above, camouflage was accurate, perfect, on-dot. Modi was exposed to utmost vulnerability by the SPG. SPG director (now sacked, appointed on November 25, 2014) k durga Prasad, on extension SPG director (?) both leading spg personnel followed/surrounded/circled modi. It is purely to modi’s credit that he remained unhindered/unbothered/unperturbed/unruffled. Obviously because he issamarpeet to Bharat Varsha that is India. Had it been any other PM, imagine what would have happened to the SPG, series of top officials who would have found their heads gone, thanks to the Damocle’s sword falling on them with no question asked. Modi surely is magnanimous ! he has numerous other things to do…