Why M J Akbar is BJP National Spokesman no one knows. How and when he supported — or is he now supporting — BJP-maker, BJP-inspirer, BJP-guide RSS is not yet known to none in the BJP or its outside. Who in BJP patronized him to be the Ruling Party’s National Spokesman is not at all known. Party President Amit Shah is yet to be seen with him in same stage. Akbar himself is rarest-of-rare-visitor in BJP, leave alone vibing with the Press/Media/Film Units/News Channels/Media Personalities. Interestingly BJP insiders themselves express total helplessness in the matter. Akbar is still a “foreigner” to them. They have never interacted with them. They only say Watch Him, Listen To Him, Cover His Sayings. …It indeed is now rattling Members of the 4th World, Ruling Party BJP, its affiliated “associations”, RSS, its numerous front organizations + many other BJP-supporting organizations, RSS associated units, numerous biz councils, financial organizations, as to how come a congenital, inveterate, recalcitrant Muslim (Mobashar Jawed) Akbar is the Bharatiya Janata Party’s National SpokesPerson ! It is as baffling as none of the BJP insiders willing to take his responsibility. For them, he is wherein, they don’t know at all.
About Akbar : His pre-present incarnation (should be in late 1970s, early 1980s) points to his vouching secularism with no word against Muslim, Mohammedans, Islam where needed. He then was secular. He however lashed out at Hindus himself or through his staffers — see his stories, his edited magazines, newspapers then; its veracity will be evinced.
Some of his writings on communal riots then were support-evoking for him (because, now clear, it was cold war then; blockage of informations reigned supreme; belief in ‘Information is Power’ was almost non existent, rather unknown then) which enabled him earn lot of overwhelming supports among readers (will they still support him when they will know the truth?).
Although he was Congress Lok Sabha MP in late 80s, in journalism, he in the garb of Freedom of Press, Freedom of Expresssion, went hammer and tongs against Congress, late Indira Gandhi etc. He like so many others detested her Emergency. It does signify, twin personalities of his remained then also. He vouched for Congress and at the same time, lambasted Gandhis. He however was close enough to Janata Party (later split into today’s BJP etc). In Janata Party, he was close to Atal Bihari Vajpayee, late Chandra Shekhar, Madhu Limaye, George Fernandez etc.
…Time went on…He at the instance of Custodian of Muslims, Mecca, Medina, King of Saudi Arabia Abdullah (now just dead) in 2005, drafted 10-year charter (valid even now) for Muslim Nations on behalf of Organisation of Islamic Nations on behalf of Organisation of Islamic Cooperation. P.O.Box 178, Jeddah 21411,Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Tel: + 966 12 65 15 222Fax: + 966 12 651 22 88.
(From 2005 what sort of revolt has been going on in the Muslim World is well-known. They are : Republic of Azerbaijan, Jordan, Afghanistan, Albania, United Arab Emirates, Indonesia, Uzbekistan, Uganda, Iran, Pakistan, Bahrain, BRUNEI-DARUSSALAM, People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Republic of BENIN, Burkina Faso, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Chad, Togo, Tunisia, Algeria, Krygyz, Comoros, Palestine, Gambia, Guyana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Iraq, Somalia, Sierra Leone, Suriname, Syrian Arab Republic, Sudan, Senegal, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Djibouti, Qatar, Kazakhstan, Cameroon, D’Ivoire, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Maldives, Mali, Malaysia, Egypt, Morocco, Mairitania, Mozambique, Nigeria, Yemen.) Now onto OIC Ten-Year Program of Action of Akbar (To Meet the Challenges Facing the Muslim Ummah In The 21st Century) – Introduction : The Muslim World is faced with grave political, socio-economic, cultural and scientific challenges with implications for its unity, peace, security and development. OIC Member States would need to cooperate decisively in order to face these challenges and to take necessary initiatives to overcome them. It has therefore become imperative for them to take joint actions …A Ten-Year Programme of Action has been developed, which reviews the most prominent challenges facing the Muslim world today (subsequently, their angry inferences are well known), as well as ways and means to address them in an objective and realistic way in order to serve as a practicable and workable programme for all OIC Member States. ( Names of OIC Member States: )
In the intellectual and political fields (not at all envy of any country), there are major issues, such as establishing the values of moderation and tolerance, extremism, violence and terrorism, countering Islamophobia, achieving solidarity and cooperation among Member States, conflict prevention, the question of Palestine, the rights of Muslim minorities and communities, and rejecting unilateral sanctions. All of these are issues which require a renewed commitment to be addressed through effective strategies. In this context, special attention needs to be given to Africa, which is the most affected region, due to poverty, diseases, illiteracy, famine, and debt burden.
In the economic and scientific fields, the Ummah needs to achieve higher levels of development and prosperity, given its abundant economic resources and capacities. Priority must be given to enhancing economic cooperation, intra-OIC trade, alleviating poverty in OIC Member States, particularly in conflict-affected areas, and addressing issues related to globalization, economic liberalization, environment, and science and technology.
As for education and culture, there is an urgent need to tackle the spread of illiteracy and low standards of education at all levels as well as a need to redress ideological deviation. In the social field, it is imperative to focus on the rights of women, children and the family.
In implementing the new vision and goals for the Muslim world, the role of the OIC is central, which requires its reform in a way that meets the hopes and aspirations of the Ummah in the 21st Century.
To achieve this new vision and mission for a brighter, more prosperous and dignified future for the Ummah, We, the Kings, Heads of State and Heads of Government of the OIC Member States, decide to adopt the following Ten-Year Programme of Action, with a mid-term review, for immediate implementation (present state of Muslims here are well known; it is fully well known how and why Muslims are angry with those who say they invent/nurture/breed terrorists, extremists, militants etc whom they call protectors/saviours of Muslims/Islam.): Over to issues of concern in that report: 1. INTELLECTUAL AND POLITICAL ISSUES-I.Political Will
- Demonstrate the necessary political will (how it is being interpreted today by the Muslims is fully well known) in order to translate the anticipated new vision into concrete reality and call upon the Secretary-General to take necessary steps to submit practical proposals to the Member States for consideration and subsequent submission to the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.
- Urge Member States to fully implement the provisions of the OIC Charter and resolutions. (What effect it is having is for the entire world to see).
- Demonstrate (Ooops!) strong commitment and credibility in Joint Islamic Action by effective implementation of OIC resolutions, and to focus on the adoption of implementable resolutions until the Ummah reaches its objectives. In this context, the Secretary General should be enabled to fully play his role in following up the implementation of all OIC resolutions.
- Affirm commitment to Islamic solidarity among the OIC Member States vis-à-vis the challenges and threats faced or experienced by the Muslim Ummah, and request the Secretary General to elaborate a general framework, in consultation with Member States, on their duties and obligations in this regard, including solidarity and support to Member States who are facing threats.
- Participate and coordinate effectively in all regional and international forums, in order to protect and promote the collective interests of the Muslim Ummah, including UN reform, expanding the Security Council membership, and extending the necessary support to candidatures of OIC Member States to international and regional organizations.
- Continue to support the issue of Al Quds Al Sharif as a central cause of the OIC and the Muslim Ummah.
- Reaffirm previous resolutions and decisions of the OIC on Jammu and Kashmir, Cyprus, Nagorno Karabakh and Somalia and demonstrate solidarity with these Muslim peoples in their just causes.
III. Islam – The Religion of Moderation and Tolerance
- Endeavour to spread the correct ideas about Islam as a religion of moderation and tolerance and to safeguard Islamic values, beliefs and principles in order to fortify Muslims against extremism and narrow-mindedness.
- Condemn extremism in all its forms and manifestations, as it contradicts Islamic and human values; and address its political, economic, social, and cultural root-causes, through development programmes and resolution of long-standing conflicts, which are to be faced with rationality, persuasion, and good counsel.
- Emphasize that inter-civilizational dialogue, based on mutual respect and understanding, and equality amongst people are prerequisites for international peace and security, tolerance, peaceful co-existence, and participation in developing the mechanism for that dialogue.
- Utilize the different mass media in order to serve and defend the causes of the Muslim Ummah, promote the noble principles and values of Islam, and correct misconceptions about it.
- Strive for the teaching of Islamic education, culture, civilization, and the jurisprudence and literature of difference; call on Member States to cooperate amongst themselves in order to develop balanced educational curricula that promote values of tolerance, human rights, openness, and understanding of other religions and cultures; reject fanaticism and extremism, and establish pride in the Islamic identity. …Introduce comprehensive qualitative changes to national laws and legislations in order to criminalize all terrorist practices as well as all practices to support, finance, or instigate terrorism.
Affirm commitment to the OIC Convention on Combating Terrorism, participate actively in international counter-terrorism efforts, and endeavor to implement the recommendations of the International Conference on Combating Terrorism, held in Riyadh in February 2005, including the establishment of an International Center for Combating Terrorism, as well as the recommendations of the Special Meeting of OIC Foreign Ministers on Terrorism, held in Kuala Lumpur in April 2002.
Support efforts to develop an International Code of Conduct to Combat Terrorism and to convene an international conference or a special session of the UN General Assembly to reiterate the international consensus on establishing a comprehensive strategy to combat this dangerous phenomenon.
Combating Islamophobia : Emphasize the responsibility of the international community, including all governments, to ensure respect for all religions and combat their defamation.
Affirm the need to counter Islamophobia, through the establishment of an observatory at the OIC General Secretariat to monitor all forms of Islamophobia, issue an annual report thereon, and ensure cooperation with the relevant Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in order to counter Islamophobia.
Endeavor to have the United Nations adopt an international resolution to counter Islamophobia, and call upon all States to enact laws to counter it, including deterrent punishments.
DEVELOPMENT, SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND SCIENTIFIC ISSUES :Economic Cooperation : 1. Call upon the Member States to sign and ratify all existing OIC trade and economic agreements, and to implement the provisions of the relevant OIC Plan of Action to Strengthen Economic and Commercial Cooperation among OIC Member States.
- Mandate COMCEC to promote measures to expand the scope of intra-OIC trade, and to consider the possibility of establishing a Free Trade Area between the Member States in order to achieve greater economic integration to raise it to a percentage of 20% of the overall trade volume during the period covered by the plan, and call on the Member States to support its activities and to participate in those activities at the highest possible level with delegations possessing the necessary expertise.
- Promote endeavors for institutionalized and enhanced cooperation between OIC and regional and international institutions working in the economic and commercial fields.
- Support OIC Member States in their efforts to accede to the World Trade Organization (WTO), and promote concerted positions between the Member States within the WTO.
- Call upon the OIC Member States to facilitate the freedom of movement of businessmen and investors across their borders.
- Support expanding electronic commerce among the OIC Member States and call on the Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry to strengthen its activities in the field of data and expertise exchanges between chambers of commerce of the Member States.
- Call upon the Member States to coordinate their environmental policies and positions in international environmental fora so as to prevent any adverse effects of such policies on their economic development.
All these leading to Islam World within the present world. Is it not?
Further, 1. Establish a special fund within the IDB in order to help address and alleviate poverty, and provide job opportunities; and commission the IDB Board of Governors to establish this special fund, including mechanisms for its financing.
2.Mandate the Islamic Development Bank to coordinate with the OIC General Secretariat in order to make the necessary contacts with the World Health Organization and other relevant institutions to draw up a programme for combating diseases and epidemics, to be financed through the special fund that will be created within the IDB.
3.Commission the IDB Board of Governors to take necessary measures for ensuring a substantial increase in the Bank’s authorized, subscribed, and paid-up capital, so as to enable it to strengthen its role in providing financial support and technical assistance to OIC Member States, and strengthen the Islamic Corporation for Trade Finance recently established within the IDB.
4.Urge the IDB to develop its mechanisms and programmes aimed at cooperation with the private sector and to consider streamlining and activating its decision-making process.
5.Urge the IDB and its institutions to promote investment opportunities and intra-OIC trade, and to conduct other feasibility studies to provide the necessary information to develop and promote joint ventures.
MIDDLE INFERENCE : …There are more such revealing points leading to Many (non-Islam) Countries (firmly, assuredly, fully) believe that it is better for them to lay off them for their safety. They are damaging, fissiparous, trouble-maker, fanatic, communal, self-serving, narrow-minded, alienated from the world, latest happenings…
Add on : Akbar’s son Prayaag Akbar and the Curse of Touch-Me-Not Minorityism (for him)
Prayaag Akbar seems a fine journalist in the making. Although the subjects he has chosen, so far, to write on, will undoubtedly warm the cockles of every Left-liberal’s heart, he displays a certain diligence (communal according to many already) which is rare among journalists of his vintage. …Akbar too is privileged. That he merited more than a mere mention in Vinod Mehta’s memoirs Lucknow Boy for his good looks suggests he has a lot going for him.
Despite his blessed birth, he seems to wear the identity of being an Indian Muslim (his mother is a chronic Christian) in the brooding manner of an Ivan Lendl holding the runners up trophy at Wimbledon. Akbar’s rebuttal of Chetan Bhagat’s innocuous and, admittedly, coarsely written (but that’s his USP) letter in the Times of India where he assumed a young Indian Muslim’s voice, reveals his overcooked touchiness about the issue of Muslim identity. I do not know if Akbar is a man of cheerful disposition. My guess is, a bit of delousing will help his writing immeasurably.
Akbar wrote in Mint (why he chose the business daily when he himself heads the features supplement of The Sunday Guardian founded by his father MJ Akbar is mildly mystifying) that Bhagat’s piece “is predictably disappointing in its understanding of the Muslim experience in India…”That is precisely the line of argument used by the thekedaars of minorityism in India starting from Muhammad Ali Jinnah. By questioning Bhagat’s locus standi, Akbar validates Jinnah’s position. While Jinnah claimed to be the “sole spokesperson” for Indian Muslims, Akbar doesn’t go that far but clearly seems to be on a track if driven down, would lead to separate communal electorates. He is dismissive of non-Muslims speaking for Muslims. …Akbar is the product of a modern Indian mixed marriage (one of his many privileges). It is entirely possible his engagement with his mother’s side of heritage extends beyond a plate of beef curry. However, it will be interesting to know how and why he homed in on Islam ahead of the Syrian Chatholic Church when it comes to the question of identity.
Akbar, goes on the argue that Bhagat putting on a plinth the achievements of Indian Muslims such as Shah Rukh Khan, Zaheer Khan and APJ Abdul Kalam as an act of neurotic celebration of Muslim achievement when it is in fact a stick to beat them with. It is Akbar and his ilk of touch-me-not Muslims who suffer from neurosis. ,,,
BOTTOM LINES (surely not concluding lines; the ball is with U): There seems to be justification to many BJP insiders’ confusion on Sr Akbar becoming BJP’s National Spokesman. Because he is all but “Secular”, non-believer in no-appeasement unlike BJP members. His son, Prateek Akbar, expected to be different being second generation-minority journalist, son of mixed marriage (Akbar and Syrian Catholic Christian Mallika Joseph), is not, and is in dilemma that he is a minority and pushed to the wall by the Hindus. Under the circumstances, how can BJP expect to get “right coverage”, wonder BJP insiders.