Mummies all we are. Mummies all we’ve been converted into by our Oddhokko Mamata Banerjee. Seeing our pitiable parsimonious plight, even royal RabindraNath Tagore has become hunchback in utter shame but he has not made any dent in her even though she’s been the repeated national and international claimant of carrying his legacy forward since her very inception.
As the time’s passed, she’s evinced that RabindraNath Tagore is at best is a bust nothing more. She’s Bengal and Bengal’s she, opine Trinamool Congress MPs by and large sobbingly, and that’s that. She couldn’t care less for him or anyone come what may and armed with that, she’s ruling Bengal today. Add ot that, she’s at the moment obsessed with the fact that in the coming days, her West Bengal will conjoin with erstwhile East Bengal, now Bangladesh, and she will administer the United Bengal or just Bengal, opine her associates in Trinamool Congress after full assurance that they would not be named to avoid her macabre wrath on them.
Mukul Roy, Idris Ali, Prasun Banerjee, Saugata Roy, Dinesh Trivedi, Tapas Paul, Sisir Kumar Adhikari, Renuka Sinha, Mumtaz Sanghamitra, Dasrath Tirkey etc are extremely critical and curse their (un)lucky stars for they being aligned with her lock, stock, barrel without any fault of theirs. They are dog-tired with her dictums (likened with those from Hitler in 2nd World War), many of which are slave behaviorlike. “We’re not slaves or servants so that she behaves with us like that…She virtually orders us via her janitors from Kolkata without caring to note whether we’re liking it or not,” says a Trinamool MP. “She may think we’re slaves of hers, we’re not so. Very soon she’ll realize, we’re as important as she’s.”
Extending it, it is clear there’s a revolt among the Trinamool MPs. They are already in touch with BJP, Indian National Congress, Natioanlist Congress Party through their emissaries or themselves to switch their loyalty to them. They of course are not in touch with the Marxists as they detest them. There are however a group of 3 MPs who are in touch with Marxist MP Mohammad Saleem to lend their support to CPI(M)+Left Parties.
Mukul Roy is the most notable anti-Mamata Banerjee personality in the party today. He was never expected or foreseen to be ever anti-her. Today he is the most vociferous of her critics. He even lambasts her by claiming that she used him to the fullest and left him in the vacuum without even notifying him about it. In his place, she is not fully concentrated on his nephew Abhishek Banerjee. Ironically, Abhishek Banerjee may be seemingly loyal to her now, it will not be long before he too would say quits from Trinamool Congress as days go by. Schemers have already succeeded in earning his confidence and have succeeded in convincing him that as long Mamata Banerjee is in existence, he will continue to be 0. He thus should clear his hurdles at the earliest to hold reins of Trinamool Congress. He is said to have even agreed to that.
Meanwhile so many MPs of the party continue to feel like being reduced to sheer mummies {(especially in ancient Egypt) a body of a human being or animal that has been ceremonially preserved by removal of the internal organs, treatment with natron and resin, and wrapping in bandages} with zero voice, zero visibility, zero entity, zero independence.
Their sympathizers in the BJP claim that if they have their way, they would leave Trinamool Congress right now and join the BJP if their MPship remains intact even then. That however is not to be under the Anti Defection Law. Thus they are forced to remain TCP MPs. Congress insiders led by Ahmed Patel claim, a big group of TCP MPs are ready to cross over to the Congress if they manage to escap the anti defection law. So far, they do not have requisite number MPs to over come the barrier of the anti defection law. They thus are now tactfully doing all out efforts to swell their numbers to overcome anti-defection law hurdles.
Mamata Banerjee reportedly remains couldn’t-care-less type. She’s fully aware all the MPs and even those in the state who are opposing her, scheming against her, all set to back stab her are fundamentally zero. They will be non-entity the moment she takes her blessings on them away. They will be thrown aside all through the state and its all nooks and corners because nobody knows them there. They voted for them because of her. They wanted her to be winner in numbers so that she could deliver goods to them which she is doing fully now. The moment the MPs will dissociate with her, they will be seen as ditchers and will be sidelined by them. Can they take such risks, wonder, pro-Mamata MPs like Sandhya Roy etc.
‘Mummy’ MPs say they are reminiscent of those in Egypt. As Mummies, they are resigned to their fate like Hunchback RabindraNath Tagore who too’s been smartly sidelined by Mamata Banerjee to fulfil her power-vested interests after her intial biasedness towards him as her “Priyo Kobee KobeeGooroo RabindraNath Tagore Baboo” and inherently swearing-by-him every moment all the time claiming ‘RabindraNath is Bengal, Bengal is RabindraNath’.
She then in utmost quest of having firmly finest foothold among Bengal’s masses even sidetracked, ignored, admonished Bankim Chandra Chatterjee, DwijendraLal Ray, Kazi Nazrul Islam, Sukanta Chottopadhayay etc. RabindraNath Tagore’s niece, famed cine actress Sharmila Tagore then commented on Mamata Banerjee’s overtly pro-RabindraNath Tagore stance as “eyewash by her to garner gullible masses’ support in her favor. Once that achieved, she’ll even forget she’s virtuoso poet, story-teller, novelist, artist, artiste, painter, polyglot, pantomime artiste, dramatist, signer, lyrics writer, dancer, classical singer, choreographer all rolled in 1 as she’s been projecting herself and RabindraNath’s successor or RabindraNath incarnated in her. Went on Sharmila Tagore, it will not be surprising if she publicly wonders RabindraNath Tagore who?”
Same robust views were expressed by numerous other all-field-intellectuals in the whole state. MamataDidi then dismissed them as astray-personalities, nincompoops angry with her because she had succeeded in kicking out CPM+ from power after 34 years even though the Marxists were sure they would stay in power till 2050 and beyond. It did not happen. They thus out of sheer frustration now have let themselves loose on her at the behest of their congenital CPM bumchums.
She thus predictably remains unruffled. Unperturbed. Unfazed. Unbristled. Even uncanny.
She has innumerable miles to cross before she becomes Prime Minister in Delhi, confides her aides in Trinamool Congress. According to them, she will succeed Modi as Prime Minister of the country next.
She thus is fully involved in her present assignment assigned by herself to herself. She then has no reason/ time to heed to her partymen’s allegations against her. Firm believer in, practitioner of “Khood-ee Ko Kar Eetna Buland kee Khooda Toojhse Poochey Bol era Raza Kya Hai”, she is fully engrossed in her work not diverting her attention to all sayings of her adversary MPs. She’s fully aware that before she patronized them, they were big cipher, pure zero and not a wee bit more. They were nitwit, gone-with-the-wind personified till she lifted them up and made them no-zero. Now that they are MPs, they’re barking as that is law of nature. She veritably resurrected them from coffin. Now they say they are mummies. When were they not so?
She’s appalled, say her aides, today she’s being accused of megalomaniacalism, grandiloquence, garrulousness, loquaciousness, egocentrism, egomaniacalism, confining all powers in herself, turning Trinamool Congress into Mamata Banerjee-owned Congress that’s aimed for Delhi-throne after having fully established its units in every nooks and corners of North-East, UP, MP, Bihar, Jharkhand, Himachal Pradesh, J&K, Punjab, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Haryana. She is now concentrating on Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telengana, Kerala, Puducherry. Rajasthan is also in her mind.
Center’s “Look East” with special emphasis on Bengal has surreptitiously enumerated Mamata Banerjee’s aspirations of striking it big in the coming days in order to become The Factor in the National Power Scenario by next elections.