Hard work and success are two sides of same coin . There is no doubt that scientific advances depend not only on new ideas, conceptual leaps and paradigm shifts, but also to a large extent on technological advances that make these steps possible. The innovation of APP known as “WRAPITUP” by Harshdeep Hura is mind boggling. The significant thing is that the “App will shorten long paragraphs into short one-liners” as the tag goes “WRAPITUP”. Presently , the APP is available only to the IOS users . It will shorten any lengthy documents without losing the credibility or essence . The APP was launched on 25th July , 2015 , this year.
According to Harshdeep , “We live in an age where information is so quickly accessible. I built an app which algorithmically decides what’s important by learning programming online. This pushes us in an era of information overload, where we have more information to consume, than the time to consume it. WrapItUp was built around the idea to help people read more, in less™and it does it’s job well. 200+ people use it on a regular basis and in just 4 months of launch, WrapItUp has done about 53,479 summaries. This really shows that in today’s age of information overload, you don’t need to setup huge industries to build an empire. All you need is an internet connection and a laptop to build your own small empire without any one’s permission. “ Till date the APP receives over 200 views and produced over 51,000 summaries. It will be shortly available for android , chrome and windows operating system in the next year . Harshdeep wish to work on new apps which will serve people in their regular explorations / activities .
Harshdeep Hura hails from Sambalpur , Odisha and done his academics at Raipur and OOTY . Education . Presently , studying at Amity Global Business School . His Journey as follows –
WrapItUp – The Journey.
“I got first exposure to computer in 2004 when I was in 4th standard. I remember doing my chores on time to have some digital time and as I grew up, technology grew on me because I saw it as a tool to express ideas. In the early years getting computer time was tough because of school and it was something completely new back then. With the Internet coming in my life 2 years later, suddenly spreading ideas on a floppy disc became sharing ideas on forums and bulletin boards and this was also the time I started learning HTML, which was my first exposure to code. It was really great to then write some lines of code and see how it changes and builds with every single line. Few years later, HTML and C++ became standard syllabus at school which really helped me foster my interest in code. I used to get extra time in computer lab to code and build basic algorithms and programs and solve everyday problems.
2010 was when things started to get serious with programming because I was building programs to teach my own self maths and doing others programming home works for treats at school canteen or straight up food (I was at boarding school so taking money didn’t make sense.)
I was studying for my 11th grade class test and got stuck in a business studies chapter. This chapter in particular was very hard, and I ended up highlighting almost every single line in the chapter. Friends had no clue about the chapter and the faculty was way too busy and this is when I got the idea of building something to tell me what’s important. I started writing down ideas of how this can be built and started working on it. Most of the times I’d build logic flow charts trying to figure out how, in general, can an algorithm decide why a sentence is more important than other. Again, being in a boarding school I had limited access to internet and computers in general, the development slowed down way too much, but it was also good because I got enough time to perfect the flow charts, which I would later program on.
After finishing schooling and entering FLAME, Pune for further education, I decided to take subjects which really interested me. I was a BBA student with subjects like calligraphy, anthropology and physics, apart from my regular courses. Mid way through college I decided I want to take development of WrapItUp full time and left my regular course to sit in classes I really wanted to (and would later help me build better algorithms). Doing subjects like physics and calligraphy or anthropology don’t make sense to most people but it’s because of exposure to these subjects, I am better at marketing and building algorithms.
Let’s take an example.
F= m x a (force = mass x acceleration)
The most basic formula every tom, dick and harry knows. I think this is the best way to run a business. For example, huge corporations like P&G and Unilever are divided into smaller brands so if anything happens, they can be turns around easily. To put it in terms of physics, the smaller the mass (brand) the less acceleration is required to turn the company around.
It’s things like these which made sense to me and how something so basic a formula can be twisted into finding out a way to run business.
2014 I joined in Amity Global Business School, where I currently am pursuing my BBA from. The faculty and authorities supported me in the development by allowing me to attend meetings during class hours and leaves so I can work more, as long as I was up to date with my assignments and tests. This doesn’t sound a lot, but it really helped because I didn’t have to think about attending college at the cost of my work. “
More importantly, there first need to be sustained efforts to improve digital literacy. Universities have a role to play here: the National programme on Technology Enhanced Learning is a step in the right direction; more MOOCs (massive open online courses) have to be rolled out for people without access to regular college education.
Last but not the least; we need to embrace the spirit of risk in our society. “Going digital is no longer an option for us; it is the default,” said the CEO and MD of TCS Mr. Chandrasekaran at the World Economic Forum this year where he chaired the IT Governors Steering Committee. While this statement is now true for the world at large, India’s future progress in particular is increasingly dependent on how well it can manage and promote its digital economy. NASSCOM predicts revenues of USD 130 billion in FY15 from the IT-BPM industry, with a year-on-year growth rate of 13% .And for the first time, 2014 saw visits of the top leadership of the largest global technology companies to India: Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Jeff Bezos (Amazon), Satya Nadella (Microsoft) and Sundar Pichai (Google), all within a month.
Scientific temper can’t be developed overnight and it should begin right from the school, where the students ought to be given the opportunity to be more interactive. Similarly, the parents need to spare some time for the children, who can be taken through the why, what, how and when type of reasoning, thereby imparting the rudiments essential for broadening their horizon of knowledge. Prof. Yashpal has noted, “science will also have to come forward in changing our thoughts and eradicating various social evils, including casteism, extremism…”(Times of India, 16th May 2005). India, in Nehru’s vision, could become a great country if the people adopted such a ‘scientific temper.’ If that succeeds, then there can be no greater tribute to the millions of children who form the destiny of our nation.