A step towards empowerment of pensioners by improving Transparency, Responsiveness & Accountability
Web Responsive Pensioners’ Service is a Digital India initiative taken-up by the the Controller General of Accounts which works under the administrative control of the Union Ministry of Finance. This portal was recently launched by the Union Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley last month. The Web Responsive Pensioners’ service has been developed to provide single-point web solution for pensioners to obtain comprehensive information relating to status of the pensions and pension payments. This service will also help in speedy redressal of pensioners’ grievances.
In its constant endeavor to provide better and prompt services to pensioners, Central Pension Accounting Office (CPAO) is providing various services to stake holders viz. Ministries, PAOs, Banks and Pensioners through its Website www.cpao.nic.in. It has developed a mobile responsive facility for use of pensioners for availing of various services. Pensioners can register on the CPAO website by providing Pension Payment Order (PPO) number and Date of Birth & Date of Retirement/Date of Death. Pensioners can also lodge their grievances online and track status through this portal.
The main features of this service include the facility of Login using any mobile device, facility to view the Complete Pensioner Profile and digital record of Pension & Revision Orders. Apart from this, the service will track the status of Pension Processing Grievance Redressal and its status which can also be received through SMS. The facility will be linked to Jeevan Pramaan, Bhavishya and CPENGRAMS Portals. Moreover, the pensioners will have Dashboards for banks, PAOs and ministries and departments.
Pension Processing Tracking and Grievance Redressal
Pension Processing Status Tracking : Retired and retiring pensioners can track status of their pension cases of both new as well as revision like date of receipt of their cases in CPAO and date sent from CPAO to the Bank. To track the pension status, in respect of retired government employees, PPO numbers, date of birth and date of retirement/date of death are required. For retiring employees, PAN number and date of retirement is required.
Grievance Redressal: Pensioners can lodge their grievances and view/track status of their grievances through this service. In addition, lodging of grievances online on CPAO website, facility to lodge grievance by letter, fax, email, Toll free Number (1800117788) and personal visits and track its status is provided. After receiving a grievance from pensioner; CPAO forwards the same online to the concerned banks and field offices for redressal. Its status is updated on the website for the information of pensioners.
Link to Jeevan Pramaan, Bhavishya and CPENGRAMS Portals: Link to Jeevan Pramaan Portal has been provided on CPAO website to enable pensioners to use facility of Digital Life Certificate (DLC). For retiring employees, a link has been established with Bhavishya Portal of DP&PW to enable them to track status of their pension cases even before the case reaches CPAO. A link to CPENGRAMS (Centralized Pension Grievance Redress and Monitoring System) has also been provided so as to enable pensioners to lodge and track their grievances on CPENGRAMS.
*Author is Addl. DG (M&C) in PIB.
courtesy PIB