Now that US Prez Barack Obama will be the Chief Guest in the country’s ensuing Republic Day Parade at Rajpath, it is fully clear that India has a solid/stolid associate/colleague named US and of course, Obama and his successors. US will fully patronize Make In India (Realistic Dream of Prime Minister Narendra Damodar Modi) and make it a 24x7x365 reality which will wonderstruck all in the Whole World (perhaps in the Mars as well). Present Cynics then will also placate Modi, unhindered. Modi in return will further intensify all aspects of Hindu Religion in all nooks and corners of USA, their only demand from India in return of Take-Everything-Materialistic-From-USA-For-India-Free. US has so much that they can overstack India with everything American — or Yankee — more than how much India wants, Indians prefer. In return, as said above, US would plough in the Mystery for them (they are all ready to dig into it as deeply as possible; they are right because remember their grasping power, concentration, comprehension) about India : (Hindu) Religion and Peace, Freedom-of-Thought, Hindu Rebirth System, Veda, Upanishada, Puran, Ramayan, Mahabharat, Yoga, Dharmik Granth, KarmaFal, PoonarJanm, Karma, Tyag…US is more than fully convinced that all these in India when shared with them will bring in peace in the US which at present is still not at ease with themselves. They are constantly urging for unhindered, hasslefree PEACE and share it among themselves in US. To get PEACE from India (during Cold War, India’s lock, stock, barrel into the Russia-USSR did not make it possible for US then), US is keen to export everything Materialistic free-of-cost to India. They are even ready to Make-Them-In-India for the all level US-popularity among Indians of all hues. In return, they would partake of our Hindu Religion, its nuances, its ifs-n-buts, its descriptions, its relevance with daily life, its goals to salvation for the ‘end of human birth’, its description of Life After Death etc…All these point to Presisdent Obama is coming here with the Highest Level US Delegation to evince to India and all Indians everywhere in the country that US and Americans are with India and Indians also accept them.
It will be naturally for the all round welfare of the whole world the moment USites-Indians became 1-to-1. Its due any moment now, any way. To give jitters to the whole world, shake them to their real status, bring them down from their superciliousness, India-US covalent bond is immediate necessity. US is fully prepared. So is India. Hip, Hip, Hurrah. Bhagawan is Mahan. Ong Brahma. Bighna Veenashak Ganeh-Jee, Jay Ho. (Interestingly, US-ites know all slokas, our scriptures, paragraphs, their meanings, their Vyakhyas, Vishleshan by their heart and they say it without seeing any written script. Amazing no ?