In what is being currently widely termed as no-holds-barred saga of ‘boldest ever, most determined, sure-shot-issue-clincher-in-India’s-terms’ Indian Prime Minister NarendraBhai DamodarDas Modi, for the first time in India, he, since the inception of the country’s First Prime Minister, is guiding India to the sure-shot goal-reaching pinnacle, zenith of importance in the whole world including US. En route to that goal, Modi first conquered India’s neighbours, followed by South Asia, to be followed next, South East Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, West Asia, Europe…On the other side, full fledged US(A). Modi’s mission/s in all these countries are resoundingly, consolidatedly successful. As direct fall out of Modi’s “Traveler Modi” ventures globally+successful bilateral/multilateral/not-unilateral-at-all-avoiding-Big-Brother-attitude meetings with all of them, he has become most sought-after personality as PM+convivial, congenial, cogent Personality in the whole world. Almost all countries, if not all countries as yet, want him to visit their respective countries to establish India-their countries bilateral rapport so that in the present days, right from now itself, masses-to-masses rapport be established. In other words, India via Modi, is on the path of establishing itself as Vasudheiva Kutumbakam (Universal Brotherhood) specializing only country which is for all, by all, of all. Relevantly, Whole World has accepted it as well unflinchingly, unilaterally, unequivocally, unabashedly. If it was else, Modi would not be welcomed any where. It is not so at all. Traveler Modi thus is fully successful. Also, Modi wins them all and influences them on his (read ‘India’ in place of ‘his’) terms with no slightest or iota of compromise. He succeeds in keeping Indian Tricolour high, unfurled, flowing. Some are saying India, The Hindu India, under Modi is (at last) awakened, (finally) alert, (confidently) arisen, (suavely) assimilated, surely evoking apocalypse of many — those who are jealous of seeing India as a “Super Power” — albeit, tacitly. They will be sweetly persuaded to (re)recognize India
for all, of all, by all —approved, accepted, acknowledged by the Whole World including West Asia, Middle East.