With Japanese Prime Minister Shinze Abe officially committing


With Japanese Prime Minister Shinze Abe officially committing “Japan and India share basic values that is why ensuring all sorts of coordination between the two nations in every field will be critically important for Asia and the world in this century.  …I would like to reiterate my conviction which I repetedly express that Japan and India’s relation has the greatest potential in my bilateral relationship in the whorld.  …Japan will continuously offer cooperation for the development of India with the Government and private sector working together. …”, India’s Japan-links undoubtedly is strong unlike ever before. Since many decades, India has been desperately craving for its ‘sweet’ links with Japan but the latter has been thwarting it brusquely. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has ensured that there is a marked change in that attitude of Japan toward India and today, it is reaping rich harvests with Japan openly tom-toming its links with India. Modi’s “PR” thus does work as it has done so with China, USA, Mongolia, Myanmar, Germany, Singapore, Africa…all ‘difficult’ countries for India. Yet, India’s relations with these countries need to be perfect for strategic reasons. Modi has succeeded in that direction stupendously without any ado of any kind. Modi’s irrepressible voyage toward mingling with all without any reservation of any kind have helped India’s smoothness with all in international relations. Its due to Modi’s toil, India today is an entity to reckon with in the whole world. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s above ‘confession’ is a definite indication toward that. As per reports, more or less all countries today are praising India’s ‘Modi-leadership’ and its international relations, and they are admitting, under Modi, India truly is ‘non-violent’ setting a new precedent for the whole world in this time of n-threats all the time hovering all over the world. Modi himself however is deeply concerned on that. This is the reason why he is advocating peace and has effectively made it globally infectious. His “Peace Voyages” are being emulated by all in the world, Japan included. Japan’s all out efforts to refurbish timeless Varanasi — citadel of Hinduism, Hindus+Parliamentary constituency of Modi — is a definite progress toward that. For decades, Varanasi or Benares has not attracted international attention officially even though it has been a ‘must-reach-out’ point for the whole world including Japan since ages. It is only now that International entities have begun exhibiting their attachment with/concern for Varanasi, thanks to Modi. Is it not the perfect example of impeccable international relations?


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