Jo tokoo kantaa boovei, taahee boi too fool;


Jo tokoo kantaa boovei, taahee boi too fool; Tohey fool ko fool hai, waako hai tirshool” (jo toomharey leeye kaante botaa hai, ooskey leeye toom fool boh; Aapke leeye fool fool hee rahenge, ooskey leeye kaantey trishul banker kasht dengey). Or, “Khod khaad dhartee sahei kaat koot vanraai; Kooteel vachan saadhoo sahei, doojei saha na jaai” (keesee vyaktee dwara pnahoochaai gai haanee ko shama kar dena oocheet hai, par ooske ees karya ko bhoolaa dena mahantaa hai). …Stickler of such timeless ‘true’, ‘proven’ sayings, (Prime Minister) Narendra Modi has resorted to Ekla Cholo Re… evident in his successful Britain Visit after his “dismal failure” in just-held Bihar Assembly Elections in which his party BJP (ruling party in the Central Government) could not touch three figures and had to remain contented with meager 50+ seats, leave aside forming Government in Bihar to “do its all round development in the shortest possible time right from the word ‘go’ ”. Must have been great humiliation, come-down, demeaning, insult for Modi  ( {un}common views ) but no…not at all…Nothing of that sort at all. He left for Britain. There, The Hon’ble Queen Elizabeth warmly welcomed him, shook hands with him, treated him to a grand lunch, rare gesture from the Hon’ble Queen. British Prime Minister David Cameron playing a perfect host to Modi all through remained side by side with him and exhibited his (rather, Britain’s) fondness for Modi, India, its immediate+far fetched necessity for Britain, its all-round utility for Britain, Britain-India pow-wow. Victory indeed for Modi. Its fully reverberated in his Home Minister RajNath Singh (Modi’s alternative or No. 2 in his absence) in India confidently proclaiming although BJP under Modi has lost Bihar Assembly Elections, Prime Minister Modi’s Rs 80,000-crore package for Bihar’s development/s remains. (Please refer to the Kabir Dohas spelt above and simultaneously translated).  …Meanwhile Panch Pandav — Lal Krishna Advani, Murli Manohar Joshi, Shanta Kumar, Yashwant Sinha, Shatrughan Sinha — continue to be anti-Modi because he should take responsibility of BJP’s defeat in Bihar. Also, he should be repentant for centralizing BJP in him and failing to deliver goods in Bihar so what even if he succeeded in 2014 Parliament Elections. In Delhi, he lost. In Bihar now, he has lost. He may well lose in Bengal, Kerala etc next year…This way BJP’s fully down and out. Perhaps it’s a clarion call for Modi but he has miles-n-miles to cross before he makes a stop over and heeds to such “silly” “opinions”. He just couldn’t care less for such riff-raffs, say his kith and kin. He is concerned about BJP, true, but he just can not sacrifice (or, waste valuable, crucial ever-moving time) governance. 125 crore Indians’ fate’s responsibility is his. He thus is carrying on…He of course diligently does analyses on what made Bihar vote against the BJP. Why his development issues did not click with the masses of all hues in Bihar. For that matter, most crucial though, how come mammoth turn outs in his rallies did not vote for the BJP !

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